"I will do as I please, When I please, I don't know what you thought this was"I said putting emphasis on thought, "but I am grown and I am single, so any decisions I make will be solely mine and in the best interest of melanie or me" I applied more pressure to his windpipe. "Comprende?" I asked.

He grabbed my wrist and pulled it down making me fall into him. He stood as soon as I lost balance, while spinning me around and pinning me to the desk with my stomach to the desk and his stomach to my back.

"As much as I love you in my lap gorgeous" He said, pulling my arm up my back to keep me in a tight hold. "I think I like this one better" He whispered in my ear. "I understand you want to keep her safe, but I want you to be happy and I know killing doesn't make you happy, so leave that to me and only when necessary... How about that?" He asked

I took my foot opposite of the arm he had pinned up my back and planted it directly by his shoving it further causing him to loosen his grip. I slipped my wrist out of his hold, spinning around. By now he had caught his balance and started to move back forward to trap me. I lifted my legs, bending my knees and tucking them to my chest. When he came forward I kicked him back. Whilst using him as a kick off to flip to the other side of the desk.

" You seriously are holding on to the hope that the Ryan you knew is still in me somewhere... I am genuinely sorry to tell you that she is not" I said truthfully.

He walked around the desk and closed the distance between us.

" People change all the time, I am not afraid of the new person you have become. My love for you has not changed. I will wait for you to fall for me again or realize that you still love me. I know I failed you, but I cannot dwell on the past. I want to make the rest of your life the best it can be. You and Melanie.I know underneath this hard exterior you're just waiting for someone to be worthy of you and I respect that, so I will work for you and your trust and for that beautiful little girl... and as much as you want to deny it I know you still love me. You may not be in love with me, but you do have love for me or you wouldn't be here in my house right now" he finished, smiling. He pecked my lips so quick I thought I had imagined it, but the boyish grin gracing his face told me I had not.

I pushed him back a bit and thought about the things he said to me. I walked back into the living room and Melanie was still napping. Bubble Guppies laughing and singing filled the living room. I laid back down on the couch and got under the covers beside Melanie.

I am not sure when my thoughts turned to dreams, but when I woke my vision was blurry and I could hear muffled voices. I blinked until my vision slightly cleared before I realized my glasses were not on. I hated looking for my glasses without my glasses. So annoying. I found them on the coffee table a few minutes later.

I made my way to the kitchen where the voices and smell of food was located. Stepping into the kitchen Melanie was in Jaces lap talking, smiling, and eating. She looked so happy. I watched them for a while before Melanie noticed I was in the room. I was one hundred percent positive Jace knew I was in the room the moment I had set foot in it. I was sure her face would break if she smiled any bigger so I walked up to her and took her out of his lap.

"Would you cut all that smiling out and finish eating?" I said, which only led to her laughing uncontrollably

I took the bowl of food that was in front of Jace and sat her in my lap to continue feeding her.

"What is this?" I asked.

"It's Vegan spaghetti," He said, scratching the back of his head.

"What?" I asked him as he got out of his chair and to the stove.

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