[19] Magic Kingdom

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*Two weeks later*

*May 21st*

Jimin's POV:

This was my new friend group. Yoongi, who was to my left, and Hoseok, who was to my right, were bickering the entire car ride back from the airport in Florida. Namjoon and Jungkook were sitting in the two middle seats of the car, and Tae and Jin were sitting in the front, with Jin driving.

The couples were choosing to sit in the same row of seats, but everyone felt like it was better for Yoongi, Hoseok and I to sit in the back because we're shorter than Namjoon and Jungkook.

We were going to the U.S for a very interesting and strange Summer vacation for some of the last eight days of May. It was a way to just get away from everyone back home. We were going to Disney World, so everybody was really excited. I however, just wanted to stay in the hotel room the entire time. How was I supposed to have fun when I wouldn't be able to see anything?

I grew up on Disney. That's how I learned most of my English. It sucked that the first time I was able to visit Disney World was now. Of course, I was grateful for Jungkook since he had the money to pay for me and everything, but it sucked that I couldn't enjoy it as much as them.


The first two parks that we went to for the first half of the week were Epcot and Hollywoods Studios, which were pretty cool. The next two days were Animal Kingdom, which I was somewhat excited for. It was something I could actually do.

But of course, Jungkook wouldn't let me touch any animals or do anything fun. He claimed he was being "protective", and I know he's paying for me, but jeez! It was the one place I was actually excited about going to, and he ruined it.

He had been getting on my nerves the entire time we'd been here.

"Are you okay?" Jungkook asked on my left and I took a bite of my food before nodding. We were all currently in a resturaunt in our last hour of being in Animal Kingdom, and I seriously didn't want to leave. As much as I hated being pulled by my arm to wash my hands after I touched the smallest animal, I loved being around small creatures.

They were just cute and I liked being around something that wasn't human.

I set my fork on my plate, crossed my arms over my chest, and faced forward, my expression blank.

Jungkook's POV:

I did not like that.

I did not like that at all.

It was like he was my boyfriend and he had an attitude, or was pissed about something. I guess I was being a little controlling over him, which I wasn't expecting. I also wasn't expecting him to come out of the hotel room after hiding alone inside of it for four days straight.

All of a sudden, he just decided he wanted to go to the park that was probably the most dangerous for someone as small and fragile as him. It wasn't really my fault that I was being overprotective when he's the one who wanted to have a python around his neck. I let him do it, but it looked way too dangerous, and I almost had a heart attack when he did it.

I didn't know why. I just felt this sudden need to protect him at all costs.

"Jimin-ah," I said quietly, grabbing his hand that was crossed over his chest and holding it under that table. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," he shrugged and continued facing forward, making me bite my lip in confusion and frustration.

"I'm sorry for being overprotective today and yesterday. I just really felt the need to protect you because..." I felt heat rush to my cheeks, and covered the side of my face with my free hand so the others wouldn't notice. "Like I said before, I l-like you."

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