[20] At Least Friends

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A/N: My story's finally getting interesting lol.

"I can't hold back anymore," Jungkook whispered.

"What?" He couldn't say anymore before Jungkook leaned down and crashed his lips against his, just as the first firework of tonight's firework show went off.

It was cliché, but neither of them cared as they both melted into the kiss, pulling each other tightly against one another. As soon as their lips met, all the pain in Jungkook's life was washed away. Everything bad Jimin felt about himself disappeared along with his past.

While still wrapped in Jungkook's strong arms, breathing in his strong scent, and feeling his lips on his own, a tear rolled down his cheek. The tear that wanted to come out for years and shatter him, break him until he was nothing. That tear only rolled for him, Jungkook. Jimin only cried for him, Jungkook. Jimin only felt sadness when he got ignored by Jungkook.

Jimin only cared about Jungkook. He lost everything, his friends being on that list since they now lived in New York. When Jungkook held tightly onto Jimin's waist, the older boy knew that it was a loving touch. Somehow, he knew that Jungkook might be in his life to stay for good because of how genuine it felt.

After what felt like an eternity, Jungkook slowly pulled away, and he knew it had been an eternity by how swollen Jimin's beautiful pink lips looked. He looked at their friends and saw them all looking at the fireworks instead of them and he sighed in relief. He knew they would've bullied him and Jimin later if they saw what just happened.

With his arms still wrapped firmly around Jimin's waist, he leaned in and whispered in his ear, "I think now would be a good time for us to go back to the hotel room, don't you think so?" Jimin bit his lip and nodded, linking his arm with Jungkook's as they walked back to the hotel.

Once they got back, they took showers and changed into more comfortable clothes. Jungkook wore grey sweatpants and a black turtleneck shirt, and Jimin wore black sweatpants and an orange long-sleeved shirt. Jungkook unknowingly licked his bottom lip when Jimin wasn't wearing any make-up, his black hair slightly disheveled from his shower.

He looked breathtaking.

He stood up from the bed and lightly grabbed Jimin's wrist, guiding him to the bed. He sat down at the foot of it and pulled Jimin so he was standing directly in between his legs. Jimin looked shy, and Jungkook smiled as the boy's cheeks flushed red an his ears pink.

'What was he nervous about?'

"Jimin-ah, are you okay?" Jimin nodded and continued to face the ground. "Please tell me the truth Jimin. I don't want you to be hurting and not letting me know about it. I'm always here for you, forever." He gently stroked Jimin's cheek and the older boy unintentionally tilted his head into his palm but he backed up before going too far.

"I haven't told anyone this, but when I was young, I had an eating disorder. It was bad, and I feel like lately, I've kinda been falling into the same issue as back then. That's why I haven't been eating much lately." He turned on his heel to walk out, embarrassed, but Jungkook caught his wrist and spun him around to kiss him again. "I only told you that because I know about your anxiety. It seems like I should've said something personal too."

Jungkook smiled and hugged Jimin, burying his face in his neck and just embracing him. That's all he wanted. Now, he didn't know if they were a thing or not, but he still considered them to be at least friends, even if Jimin declined him after practicaly making out with him if front of Cinderella's castle.

But that's the thing. Jungkook didn't want to be just friends. He wanted Jimin, but it was frustrating to him since he didn't know how Jimin felt. The man was a closed book, and would hide everything. When they kissed, Jimin went along with it, but there was still a bit of resistance from him, and Jungkook could tell. He didn't know what was going on in Jimin's mind, but it was obvious that he wanted the same things as Jungkook, but was more cautious about it.

A/N: Sorry for the short update uwu ❤.

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