[15] A Rock and a Hard Place

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*Three days later*

*Friday, March 4th*

Jungkook's POV:

Not once had Jimin spoken to or even looked at me since he met the guy who made a girl say, "he could literally throw me against a wall and I'd still love him".

I hate him. I hate him. I hate him.

Did I say I hate him?

Sure, he was attractive and probably nicer than anyone else at school, but what did Jimin see in him anyway? There was definitely something going on between them. I saw the way they act together at lunch. They're too... intimate with each other.

"Who are you jealous of?" Taeyong asked Jungkook. He noticed that Jungkook skimmed his tongue along his bottom lip, which he usually did if he was jealous of someone. Jungkook shook his head and looked down, not in the mood to talk right now. Taeyong luckily got the hint and went back to talking with Ten, making Jungkook feel much more relieved now that he didn't have eyes on him.

*The next day*

*11:30 p.m.*

I heard my phone ding, making me groan and roll over to grab it.

Come meet me in the fields by The Redwood Farm. I have to talk to you in person.

Hoe why are you texting me at 11:30? You know I need my sleep.

I need to talk to you.

I have tea to spill.

I can see that you're reading my messages.

Answer or I'll snitch to Jimin.

I'm gonna whoop you if you don't answer.






That's it. I'm telling Jimin about your crush.

Stop! Fine. What do you want?

I told you. Meet me in the fields by The Redwood Farm. No questions. Goodbye.

I groaned and pulled myself out of bed, throwing on a black hoodie, jeans, black converse, and a beanie before going outside. I decided to take my car that didn't cost more than I was worth so I didn't scratch it up. It was the one I drove to school, and even though I liked having this amazing image, I still didn't bring my car that cost three million dollars, so I stuck with the one that cost half a million:

My matte black Lamborghini Aventador.

The more expensive car was a dark blue Buggati Chiron, but I rarely took it out of the garage due to how expensive it was.

I pulled out of my driveway and drove outside of town to go to the farm BamBam was talking about. It was one we used to hang out at since the owner would let us, and every since we found it, it became like our hangout place.

It was around 12:30 when I finally reached the field, and in the headlights of my car, I saw BamBam leaning against his car far out. I sighed and walked for a few minutes into the field, stopping when I was finally standing next to him, leaning against his car too. We stared out into the open field, and I could just feel the hesitation in what he was going to say. He had always been more of an outgoing person obviously, but deep down, he seemed like he was hurting badly.

"I know..." He started, choking on his words slightly. Even though he always showed this bright persona that made it seem like he was invincible, he was a sad boy who just wanted his friends. Now, they were gone, and I could tell the only reason he stayed back was because of me. I wasn't doing him any good though, and I knew he had to go to Sydney with Christopher Bang and Yugyeom.

He needed them more than anything.

"I know how much you like Jimin," he continued his statement, regaining his posture and putting on his badass face again. "But I have spies, Jungkook. They can tell you're not happy with this new kid being around. You deserve to be happy." His voice made me want to cry by how sad, yet reassuring it sounded. "I was wondering if-if you want to come to Sydney with me on Monday. You don't seem happy here, and I just want our group to be together again so bad. They have a home teacher that can teach you too, and I think you'd really like it."

"Wow," I said, shaking my head. It sounded amazing, but it was on such short notice. Plus, Jimin. But he was with someone else. It felt like he didn't even care about my existence anymore.

As if he read my mind, he went back to talking to give me more options. "They have everything you'd need there, and I have a plane ticket in case you want to go too. You'd just need to pack up some of your things and we'd be ready to go. I know how much this would affect you though because of Jimin. I've seen how attatched you've grown to him. I don't think you'll be able to get that again in Sydney."

I didn't know what to do. I could either move to a different country (which was fine since I had a passport and everything), or I could stay here with Jimin. Even though he ignored me, I still felt something there for him. I didn't know why.

I could either stay here and be lonely until Jimin finally started talking to me again, or move away and completely leave Jimin.

I was literally stuck between a rock and a hard place.

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