[13] Wanna Bet?

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Third person's POV:

BamBam ended up taking both Jimin and Jungkook back to Jungkook's house. If it wasn't for Jimin begging him to let him stay with Jungkook, BamBam would've dropped Jimin off at his own house.

Jimin laid down on the makeshift bed that BamBam made for him next to Jungkook's bed since he didn't want to sleep next to a drunk person. "Are you gonna be okay here?" BamBam asked. "I can still take you home if you want."

"I'll be okay," Jimin confirmed, taking his glasses off and climbing under the blanket.

"Okay, well, I'll be seeing you then." He walked out and turned off the light, leaving Jimin in complete darkness. He kept hearing Jungkook talking under his breath in his sleep and kept getting freaked out because of it.

Jimin had become very paranoid about random things recently, and listening to groaning and mumbling coming from someone who was supposed to be asleep didn't help his tenseness.

To add on to the darkness and mumbling of his friend, it was also storming outside. Jimin had always been terrified of storms because he thought he was going to get struck by lightning or get blown away by wind because of how small he was.

He was terrified.

*6 a.m.*

Jungkook's POV:

I woke up to the feeling of 130 pounds laying on top of me and holding me for dear life. "Jimin?" I asked with no answer from the sleeping boy who's head was resting on my chest. I saw that there was barely any light coming from outside and it was raining, meaning that it was early and storming.

I was about to say his name again but I didn't. His hair was by my face, and he smelled... good. Oh, I still hated myself for being weird when it came to him. He was just perfect in every way and you were crazy if you didn't think he was attractive. Just to add on to that, he smelled really good.

I sat up and pulled his legs up so he was laying on me sideways and I was holding him like a baby. He lightly snored while he slept, and his face was just so smooth. I wanted to kiss him so bad, but he didn't want to, and I knew that. I felt weird just staring at him, so I looked at the big skylight window above us.

It was still dark out, which I actually enjoyed. I was a vampire when it came to sunlight. Jimin moved in his sleep so he was sitting up with his arms wrapped around my shoulders, and his head rested in my neck.

I couldn't help it.

His hair was so soft, and I just had to pet his head like he was a puppy. "Don't pet me," he groaned, moving away from me.

"Why are you so pressed?" I asked, genuinely offended by his attitude as he sat a foot away from me on the bed, pouting.

"Because, Jungkook. Last night, we went to Taehyung's house, you got super drunk, and BamBam had to drive us back here at 1:30 a.m. I didn't want to sleep by a drunk person, so he made me a bed on the floor. It was storming last night, and you were just talking away, so I was terrified. I decided to cuddle with you and then you go and pet me, stupid asshole."

"Wha- Jimin." He turned his head away from me and I sighed, reaching over to lightly play with his small pinky that was on his lap. He looked adorable when he was pouting. "Do you not want me to pet you?"

"Why do you pet people anyways?" His voice had a hint of sass in it and he reached on the floor to get his glasses, putting them back on before standing up. "That's weird. I'm not a puppy, you know."

You sure act like it.

He huffed and walked around the room. I realized I accidentally said that out loud, and grabbed my phone to follow him downstairs. I walked down and saw himself pouring himself a glass of milk in the kitchen. "What? Jimin," I said, walking over to him and taking it away from him to do it.

"Seriously?! Ugh, I'm so done with you! You think I'm so helpless!" He stormed out of the room and I put the milk back in the fridge, chasing after him to give the glass to him.

"Hey. I just wanted to help."

He turned around after hearing my voice from behind him and I could just feel him glaring at me. "I can do things myself! If we're gonna live together for the next few weeks, you need to understand that being blind doesn't mean I can't do things! I could cook a five star meal for you if I wanted to!" He yelled, making me flinch with every word.

"Okay, I'm sorry." Then, an idea came into my mind. "Then do it."


"Cook me a five star meal."

He crossed his arms over his chest and had the face of someone who's saying "wanna bet?".

He nodded and we both took showers and got ready to go to the store to get ingredients for what he wanted to make.

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