[03] The Dream Team

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"Yeah, I'm fine," he replied in a harsh manner, grabbing his cane that he felt next to him and speedwalking past the bystanders to leave the cafeteria and go to a secluded part of the school.

Jungkook sighed and grabbed his bag by his table, ignoring Taehyung's calls for him and everyone's stares as he ran out of the cafeteria. He didn't know Jimin, but he thought it was probably best if he went to look for him to cheer him up.

'I should've helped him,' he thought to himself. 'I shouldn't have let him do that.'

The reason Jungkook didn't help Jimin in that moment was because of Taehyung. He didn't want Taehyung to get mad at him for messing with his friend, but Jungkook realized right after it happened that he should've helped. He knew he had the physical strength to do it, but he didn't have the emotional strength to do it.

A tear shed from his eye at the guilt. One. Single. Tear drop rolled down his cheek while walking down the hall. He was trying to listen for any sound in any of the vacant classrooms, but he didn't hear anything.

Then, he heard the faint sound of singing coming from the classroom he was by. He hesitantly opened the door and looked inside, seeing Jimin sitting at a desk with his knees pulled up to his chest, singing a quiet song that Jungkook had only ever heard once.

"Hey," Jungkook whispered after quietly shutting the door, causing the boy to jump. "You have a really nice voice. Can I ask what your name is?" He touched his arm to let him know he was specifically talking to him, and Jimin sighed.

"I'm Park Jimin. You're the guy from the cafeteria, aren't you? I recognize your voice." He groaned when Jungkook pulled a chair over to sit right next to him.

"I wanted to apologize," Jungkook said, sliding his hand under Jimin's that was rested on the desk. "I should've helped you." Jimin turned his head to the side so Jungkook wasn't looking directly at his face, and the younger boy gently grabbed his chin and turned him to face him. "My name is Jeon Jungkook. I... have brown hair and brown eyes, and if you want, I'd like to take you somewhere."

"Where is "somehwere"?" Jimin questioned, lightly rubbing Jungkook's hand with his thumb.

"This cliff. It doesn't have that good of a view anyway, and it always does a good job at making me happy."

Jimin shook his head no and Jungkook sighed. "I have to go home after school." He stood up and grabbed his stuff, ignoring Jungkook's protests as he walked out.

Jimin didn't necessarily have a curfew, but he was expected to at least be home for dinner, and he would never protest his mom's kimchi. He ignored all thoughts about the day and went to the class he had after lunch, carrying out the rest of his day like normal.


It was his last class, and Jungkook was still beating himself up over everything that happened that day. He decided he was gonna try to find Jimin when the day ended to try to get him to talk to him. It was his best idea because ever since they had lunch, he'd become infatuated with the boy.

He had never seen someone stick up to Taehyung or one of his friends, so the entire situation was confusing to Jungkook, I.M, all of the bystanders, and even Jimin himself.

"So what's all this with you following the blind kid out of the cafeteria?" Christopher asked when they had free time at the end of class. "I'm not opposed to it. I was just wondering."

Meet Christopher Bang (a.k.a Bang Chan), the leader and third oldest/second youngest of their four member friend group, the first member, and someone who Jungkook thinks should be more popular to him. He'd been Jungkook's best friend since their first year of primary school, but the two went to different middle schools since Christopher had to move back with his family in Sydney, Australia. He moved back to Seoul for high school though.

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