[17] When All is Lost and Love is Tragic

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A/N: This is the first part of a two part chapter. The next part is Chater 18: Cast a Spell, it's Called Black Magic (it rhymes lol) It's referencing the song Black Magic by my favorite non-K-Pop band, Little Mix.

Also, sorry for the many month-long time skips. Don't worry! Everything will be okay! Lol.

*A month later*

*May 7th*

Jimin's POV:

After what happened with the car accident and losing my mom, I decided to go to college with Seonghwa and I.M. It was our last year of high school, and because of this, our last day was earlier than everyone else's, May 21st.

I had been staying with Seonghwa's family since my mom passed away, and now, I was going to study in New York with my two new friends. Everything seemed like it was going well for me, but there was something missing from my life. I couldn't pinpoint what it was, but it just reminded me of irritatingly nice times.

The feeling of warmth on my face whenever this certain person put his hands on it, the way we would argue with each other. To other people, it seemed like maybe, just maybe, I forgot about Jungkook and moved on, but I didn't. I couldn't. How could someone forget about someone as memorable as Jungkook? He was purely too kind, but sassy at the same time.

But Jungkook left. He moved to a different country, a different continent, without even saying goodbye. How could he just leave without thinking about my feelings? I felt guilt too though because I thought that maybe if I was nicer to him, Jungkook would have considered staying.

He visited for those few days, but even then, Jungkook still didn't visit me.

"What's wrong?" Seonghwa asked, noticing that I was just picking at my lunch instead of eating it. "Are you still heartbroken over Jungkook?"

I sighed and nodded. Yes, I told Seonghwa about how I still felt something towards Jungkook. How I missed his voice and his touch. It was embarrassing to talk about it, but Seonghwa just wanted to help me and it ended up making us closer friends.

"Him and BamBam are here again to visit. They'll be here until we graduate. Why don't you try to talk to him now?" I.M suggested.

How could I talk to him after all this time? I've just gotten my hopes up for no reason, and if he shot me down, I would be heartbroken. I can't live with myself if he shoots me down. "I can't," I whispered, grabbing my food to throw it away. "I'll talk to you guys later."

I knew that they were hurt by me not opening up to them about my feelings, but they said goodbye to me anyway before I walked out.

After he left, it seemed like my feelings for him got multiplied a hundred times and I couldn't manage to focus without thinking about him. We only hung out a little bit, but I still couldn't live with the fact that he was gone. He left my life as soon as he entered it, and even though he may not have realized it, he meant a lot to me.

*A month later*

*June 7th*

Jungkook's POV:

It was the night after everyone that I knew from school graduated, and I was currently sitting in Taehyung's house with him and his four friends from before. There was Hoseok, a really nice and bubbly person, Namjoon, a dad-type leader of Taehyung's group of friends, Yoongi, the grandpa and most relatable of them, and Seokjin, the mom of the group and surprisingly, Taehyung's boyfriend that he mentioned three months ago.

It was surprising because Taehyung seemed like this super insane, crazy child, while Seokjin was more mature, but still kind of crazy. Yoongi and Hoseok were also together, which was just as surprising as Taehyung and Jin. They were surprising for pretty much the same reason.

Namjoon and I were the only single ones, and it hurt me. It didn't hurt me because they were all dating and I wasn't, but it hurt me because I wasn't dating Jimin. I was tempted multiple times to go talk to him again because I still had the feelings from before I left for Sydney. Even though he was a brat, I had undeniable feelings for him and I couldn't hold them back as much as I wanted to.

BamBam, Yugyeom, and Bang Chan knew about them, which was why BamBam went to go look for him. I sat on Taehyung's couch, nervously biting my nails as the five of them were all playing Cards Against Humanity on the floor. I chuckled every now and then about how inappropriate it was, but I glanced at the door more often than that.

It was around 10 p.m., meaning that BamBam had been gone for an hour, and I got up to pace around the room for a while. "Calm down, Jungkook. He'll be back soon," Namjoon said reassuringly and I nodded, crossing my arms over the back of the couch and attempting to calm myself down by listening to their game.

I couldn't though and I continued to walk around quickly until the door opened, and BamBam, who was soaked from rain, walked in. "Jimin, he-" he stopped, coughing and breathing heavily like he just ran a marathon.

I immediately thought the worst and ran over to him. "What happened?! Is he okay?!"

"I went to a student from school's house and found out from them that Jimin was staying at Seonghwa's house, so I went there, and his mom told me that Jimin and Seonghwa-" he started coughing again and I unintentionally shook his shoulders.

"What happened?!"

"They're going to New York for college. Their flight leaves in an hour and fifteen minutes!"

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