Angsty Talks...Because Why Not? (Chapter twelve)

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~Third Person P.O.V~


Izuku collapsed on his bed, Katsuki imitating his actions right beside him. They had just come back from the show, it was nearing 8 o'clock by now.  

Surprisingly, Izuku had managed to do well while being up on stage, his nerves had begun to calm down after the second commercial that's a plus. The audience adored him, constantly laughing at his sarcasm- or something he said but didn't mean as a joke.

He wasn't going to lie though, it still hurt- the whole 'Katsuki talking about his crush on live television' thing. So it was a bit of a mouthful. Izuku couldn't help it though, his thoughts were all over the place- they almost kissed...twice.

Yet he liked someone else.

'Just my luck!' Izuku sarcastically thought, climbing all the way onto the bed and flipping on the TV.

Katsuki had been alarmingly quiet ever since they got back- which started to concern Izuku...a lot. He seemed to be lost in thought, his eyes not holding any emotion particular as they just stared into space. Honestly...Katsuki felt like shit.

(Don't we all though?)

All of those emotions he felt during the interview, the thoughts, memories- it was haunting him like a ghost. An annoying, angst-filled ghost. It just wouldn't go away, no matter how hard he tried- he couldn't shake the weighing feeling that everything was his fault.

He told Izuku to kill himself.

He bullied him to no extent.

He made the boy's life a living hell.

He's the reason behind his own kidnapping- maybe if he were strong enough it wouldn't have happened.

He's weak- Katsuki Bakugo is weak, broken, scared.

Katsuki hadn't even realized that he had begun to shake at this point, his knees pulled up tightly to his chest. He teetered back and forth on the bed, his eyes already brimmed with tears- begging to spill over.

"Kacchan? Kacchan! Hey- hey look at me, it's okay. You're okay, just calm down, do you need anything? What's wrong?!" Izuku attempted to soothe him, which wasn't going well at the moment seeing as though he was freaking out.

Then it hit him, Katsuki was having a panic attack.

Izuku's gaze softened on the male before him, cautiously, he pried Katsuki's arms and knees apart- fitting himself in between his legs and hugging the blond. He hugged him tightly as if his life depended on it. Softly caressing his hair as he whispered soothing words in his ear. 

Izuku's mother used to get these, panic attacks, so he had gotten fairly good at calming someone down when they were having one. 

"It's okay Kacchan, I'm here. I'm right here, just try and focus on my breathing, yeah?" Izuku instructed, taking controlled breaths in and out.

Katsuki copied his breathing, his began to slowly even out- becoming less ragged and more calm.

It was still for a while, Katsuki kept on breathing in and out while Izuku raked his fingers through his hair. Katsuki's grip around Izuku's waist tightened, he buried his face in the crook of his neck- being swarmed with Izuku's calming scent of lavender and vanilla. He tried- he tried so damn hard to fight them off but the tears in his eyes betrayed him, rolling off the tip of his nose and onto Izuku's skin.

"Hey- hey, why're you crying Kacchan?" Izuku asked softly, pulling back and wiping away stray tears.

"I-I... nnnh, I don't know wh-why I'm crying." Katsuki's voice shook, and it was terrible- Izuku had never heard him waver.

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