*Insert Good Chapter Name* Pt. 2 (Chapter five)

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~Third Person P.O.V~


"Awe man sorry about- Kacchan?" Izuku gave Katsuki a perplexed look- leaning over to look behind the taller male into the room. "What're you doing here?"

Katsuki froze, his expression going poker-faced as he stared down at Izuku. Nobody really knew about his PTSD, besides Aizawa, All Might, and his mother. He didn't want anyone to take pity on him, and knowing Izuku he figured the smaller male would probably do just that.

"Nothing. I was just giving Aizawa a few papers he had to sign." Katsuki lied smoothly, turning the heat back onto Izuku. "What are you doing here?" He raised a curious eyebrow.

"Looking for the bathroom," Now unlike Katsuki, Izuku wasn't lying. He really needed to pee, and standing there talking to Katsuki was not helping his at the moment.

Katsuki seemed to take notice in how Izuku's leg pulled together as he did a small bounce to keep himself from peeing right then and there. "Down that way to the left nerd." Katsuki pointed out, giving Izuku a pat on the back before making his way back to the main room.

'That was way too fucking close.' Katsuki thought letting out a shaky breath of air.

After about ten minutes, Izuku came back...and that's when the trouble commenced.

It all started when liquor came into play, Ashido being the wildest one there got the first drink- practically peer pressuring everyone else into joining her. So she was a little crazy. Just imagine how she is with booze in her system.

By the end of the hour, everyone was either drunk or halfway there. Unfortunately, after a few tries, Ashido managed to convince Izuku to partake in their drinking. And he complied.

Izuku weakly lifted up his shot glass, Uraraka, Ashido, and Kirishima chanting him on. He drank the warm liquid, it burned as it smoothly glided down his throat.

(A/N Hello, and welcome back to my Ted Talk. So funny story, I'm 13 right? But I've had beer before. AND BEFORE YOU GUYS FREAK OUT- I didn't know it was beer until it was too late. I was 10, my parents were having a party. My cousin poured his beer into a red solo cup, and I was drinking fucking apple juice. I leave to go to the bathroom, when I come back I drink from the wrong cup. And that's how that happened.)

"Ooh! Shit, I think- I think I'm like...numb to alcohol now guys." Izuku slurred, waving his shot glass around in the air loosely.

"Fuck. Me too, it's like I'm- I don't know, immune to that shit or something." Kirishima chuckled, taking another swig from his red solo cup.

"Kirishima and Izuku's real quirk right there guys! Liquor immunity!" Ashido giggled, letting out a few hiccups at the end.

Uraraka threw her arm over her girlfriend's shoulder, giving her a sloppy kiss on the cheek. "I'll... I'll drink to that!" She cheered, everyone, minus Izuku, taking a long drink from their cups.

Izuku got up, stumbling a bit as a wave of dizziness washed over him. He was hot, burning hot. The drunken Izuku had just enough common sense to know that stripping himself of his clothing was a relatively bad idea. So he did the next best thing and went outside.

More like nearly tripped outside.

It was still blazing to him, but again...he's drunk. Wondering around outside the building he goes into the middle of the parking lot, not hearing the car that was approaching him...and fast. When he looked up he was a deer frozen in headlights, the car didn't look like it was going to be slowing down anytime soon. And just before it could make contact with him, something hard pushed against him- but not from the direction he was expecting.

Landing onto the concrete with a painful thud Izuku drunkenly looks around, only to be met with a familiar pair of scarlet pools.

"Oooh~ Hey Ka- Kacchan!" Izuku greeted, a lopsided smile on his face.

Katsuki glares for a moment but stops when it registers in his head that the freckled young man is intoxicated. "God damn you Deku since the fuck did you start drinking? Can't leave you alone for ten minutes with you almost dying huh?" Katsuki grumbled. 

Izuku let out a few fits of giggles, trying to stand up only for his legs to wobble and give out- causing him to land on Katsuki.

"Heh, sorry Kacchan~" He hiccuped, staring down at Katsuki with an owlish expression.

Katsuki let out a string of curses, gently pushing Izuku off of him and getting up- dusting himself off. "Come on, let's get you home yeah?" 

Izuku nodded, extending his arms up at the blond signaling that he needs assistance with getting up. Once he was steadied they began walking, that is until Izuku realized-

"Do you even kn-know where I live?" He asked, a teasing smile on his face.

"Fuck," Katsuki cursed under his breath, pursing his lips as he was deep in thought. "Can I trust you to give me directions?" He raised, skeptically looking at the current state the boy was in.

"Well, seeing as though I can hear colors right now- I'm go- gonna have to say no." Izuku beamed, a childish look morphing onto his features.

The blond threw his arms up in exasperation, "What has my life come to?" he muttered to himself.

He knew he couldn't just leave Izuku- everyone back inside was wasted. And judging by how Izuku almost got ran over by a car...Katsuki could only imagine what would happen if he just left. What? It's no like he cared about him or anything. But they are partners now so...what good would this do anyone if Izuku is found lying in a ditch somewhere?

So he did the only rational thing he could think of...he decided to take back to his house for the night.

What could go wrong?


Everything. Exactly everything could go wrong, that's what.

The trip back to his house was tiring, mainly because halfway there Izuku started complaining about how much his feet hurt. Then Izuku jumped on Katsuki's back without warning- which led to Izuku falling asleep on him.

Izuku wasn't that heavy, he was light as a feather to Katsuki. The problem was how much the smaller male moved while he was sleeping. 

Katsuki had to catch him a few times before he fell off his back.

Very, very tiring.

Once they were inside the comforts of Katsuki's home, the blond set his keys on the countertop and kicking his shoes off by the stools. Izuku still clung to him, mellowed snorts escaping his lips. Walking over to the couch Katsuki tries to put Izuku down, only to fail miserably- now Izuku hung onto him in the front, like a green koala.

"Fucking hell," Katsuki cursed lowly.

Kneeling onto the cushion he slowly begins to attempt to prying Izuku's fingers from him. Alas, another futile venture.

"No- mmm...Ka...cchan," Izuku mumbled in his sleep, his grasp on the taller male's shirt tightening more than ever now.

Katsuki felt his face heat up, shaking his head at himself more than at Izuku. 'Fuck it' He thought, it was late and he was exhausted as hell. He laid down on the couch, Izuku still on top of his chest, slowly but surely...he drifted off into a deep sleep.

Howdy fuckers!!

Well, that was some nice fluff that I just couldn't resist writing. By the time you guys are reading this chapter, I'll probably be writing chapter 10 or some shit. When I first published this I was already four chapters ahead so...

Until we meet again!!!

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