Would Be A Shame If Someone Fell From A Building *Wink wink* (Chapter six)

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~Third Person P.O.V~


Izuku woke up, he looked around worriedly for he didn't recognize his surroundings- then he heard Katsuki's breathing. That's when he really began to panic. He knew he got drunk last night, a myriad of possibilities as to what happened crossed his mind rapidly.

"Stop with the fucking mumbling Deku, it's too damn early!" Katsuki growled, still keep his eyes closed.

He hadn't even realized he was mumbling.

Izuku got up, his mouth swiveling up into an embarrassed smile, a light dust of pink crossing his nose and cheeks. Completely getting off Katsuki he clears his throat awkwardly, pressing his lips into a thin line.

"Sorry...how exactly did I end up here?" Izuku tilted his head, still barely remembering glimpses of the previous night.

Katsuki pulled himself up reluctantly pressing his fingers to his lips his gaze hardens on the boy. "You were drunk, and doing stupid shit- if you tell anyone about this-" Katsuki started, jabbing his finger towards the young man.

Izuku put the flats of his hands up in surrender, "I- I won't! I swear..." he said.

It was quiet for a moment, then the pain from the hungover kicked in prompting Izuku to groan in pain. With a sigh Katsuki got up, disappearing into the kitchen and coming back out a moment later, tossing a bottle of pain reliever at him.

"Should help with the headache nerd. I don't know about you- but I'm hungry as shit!" Katsuki exclaimed, already heading back into the kitchen to make him and Izuku some food.

See? He wasn't a complete dick.

Izuku gladly took the pill, swallowing it dry. He followed Katsuki into the kitchen, neither saying anything as the hungover male watched Katsuki cook- their silence wasn't uncomfortable...surprisingly.

It took Izuku a minute to figure out what he was making, a small smile slipped onto him as he realized it was Japanese Hotcakes.  Just like Izuku's unholy obsession with Katsudon, Katsuki loved his Hotcakes. 

Not that he was complaining. It's been a while since he's had them.

They sat down, again still silence- but this time Izuku wanted to break it.


"Fuck nerd, I think we might have a new record for you! It's been twenty-five minutes since you've last talked...look at you making progress and shit!" Katsuki interrupted Izuku, a sardonic smirk on his face.

Izuku rolled his eyes, taking a small bite of his food as he pondered on what he was about to say. "How's adult life treating you?" So he wasn't the best at small talk, cut him some slack.

"When I was little I couldn't wait to become an adult- let's just say this shit is not what I expected at all." Katsuki snorted, taking a sip of his coffee.

"How so?"

"All these fucking insurance shit, having to pay for your own shit- bills! God the fucking bills are horrible." Katsuki sighed, he and Izuku breaking out into laughter. "What about you? How's the whole being number one pro and crap?"

Izuku was taken aback by the question, not sure if this was a trap or not. He always wondered how Katsuki felt about not being number one like he'd always hoped to be, was he pissed off about it?

"Ehh, it's not all that the media makes it out to be. If anything it's just a title- ya know? Money's good, people come up to you in random places asking for your autograph. Like this one time, some guy asked me to sign his shirt...while we were both taking a piss so...that was awkward." Izuku chuckled, Katsuki nodding in understanding.

Stuff similar to this has happened to Katsuki- quite frequently at that. He had always assumed that being number one meant different things.

Guess he was wrong.

"Well- I mean, your house must be nice though." Katsuki chuckled, shocking himself at the action.

Izuku scrunched up his face, "I- I guess, except not a house...apartment." he corrected.

"Why not a house?" Katsuki pressed, he was genuinely curious.

Izuku sat there for a moment, deliberating his reasoning for still living in his apartment. He knew he could definitely afford a much, much larger place than where he lives- but doesn't mean he exactly wants to.

"Huh- you know, honestly? I moved into my apartment complex a few months after graduation- I guess I just didn't want to give it up. Plus, why have a huge house when there's no one to share it with." Izuku said thoughtfully, both of them falling into another moment of quietness.

Those words stayed with Katsuki. He didn't understand why they did, yet here he was- continuously replaying Izuku's last line in his head. It...antagonized Katsuki, to say the least.

Why does he care so much?

He shouldn't.

That's bad.

Or at least that's what he thought.


They were on patrol right now. Izuku had gone back home to take a shower and go to sleep for as long as he could. Katsuki doing the same shortly after his partner left.

It was quiet, for now at least- as they looked over at the streets beneath them from a building top. Izuku took a sip of water, glancing at Katsuki from the side of his eye from time to time. Their awkward silences were killing him inside.

"I swear to God if you try and start a conversation right. fucking. now- I just might lose it." Katsuki growled, sensing Izuku's hesitation.

He has for a while now, he just found it amusing to watch the boy struggle not to speak.

"But Kacchan!" Izuku whined, pouting while stomping his feet childishly. Katsuki almost smiled at his antics, almost

Before they could continue their small argument on the subject, a loud crash echoed from the east of them. Their eyes darted to where the noise had come from, Katsuki securely pulling his mask down over his eyes. "Stay here, I'll go check it out." He whispered, already hopping off to the next building.

"Be careful," Izuku said, a few seconds too late- Katsuki was already too far away to hear him.

Izuku thrummed his fingers against the ledge, keeping his quirk activated just enough in case something happens. A clamorous snap caused Izuku to jump, figuring it was just Katsuki he turns around to ask him if everything was okay- only to freeze.

It wasn't Katsuki.

He scrambled to a fighting position, thick purple fog circling around the hero. Izuku coughed, covering his mouth with the sleeve of his costume. 'Crap, it was a distraction tactic!' Izuku mentally scolded himself for not realizing it sooner.

"Deku- wasn't it?" A distorted robot-like voice chuckled lowly.

Izuku could hear there footsteps drawing nearer and nearer, he set off a small attack in the direction the footsteps were coming from- only to hear another low chuckle. 

"You weren't even close to hitting me." It snickered, their footsteps echoing all around him by now.

He felt a pair of hands roughly grasp his shoulders but still saw no face, he tried setting off another futile attack. Still nothing. Before he could even comprehend what was happening Izuku felt the concrete of the ledge brush against his legs- seconds later he was falling.

Just before he hit the ground he heard small explosions and yelling, then the floor below him made contact with his body.

Howdy fuckers!!

So. Yeah- that shit just happened. I honestly have a very small grasp of how I want this whole plot for the story to kind of go so um...bare with me, yeah?

Until we meet again!!!

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