*Insert Good Chapter Name* Pt.1 (Chapter four)

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~Third Person P.O.V~


It's been a few days since they began patrolling with each other. Just like their first night, they never said much- it hasn't been that quiet in their district. Just yesterday they arrested some guy who was trying to mug a woman.

He definitely put up a fight with the two, let's just say Izuku and Katsuki have a few new bruises to add on to the collection. This also resulted in getting scolded by Uraraka- but she was just grateful it was just bruises and nothing too serious.

They didn't have to go on patrol tonight though, due to the fact that the agency was hosting an annual meeting.

It's basically just all the pros, new, old, retired getting together and discussing what they've been up to and reporting concerning things. There are also support groups there, being a pro does take its toll on people.

Unfortunately for most, if you aren't retired it's mandatory to go.

Izuku was currently getting ready, putting on some khakis' and a white button-up to go with it. Uraraka and Todoroki were picking him up, seeing as though he doesn't have a car. Yes, he is the number one pro hero in Japan. No, he does not have a car.

If anything, he doesn't see a point in one- using his quirk to get around works just fine for him. Why waste money on something that he's one, barely going to put to use, and two, pollutes the air.

A honk outside signaled for him to move faster, most likely from Uraraka- she never was a patient person.

"All right, I'm coming- jeez." He mutters under his breath, lacing his shoes tightly together.

Running down the steps outside of his apartment he rushes to the car, climbing into the backseat in record time. "Impatient ass bitch." Izuku chuckles, he was allowed to say stuff like that to her.

Uraraka extends her middle finger towards him, mumbling something along the lines of 'Gay ass bitch'. 

Todoroki sighs, shaking his head at the two as he starts the car. "How many times must I tell you not to honk my horn in my car, Uraraka?" He sighs, his voice clear in monotone- still having a hint of sarcasm.

"As many times as you feel like it. But you and I both know I'll just keep doing it." Uraraka beams, a dimple popping out in her right cheek.

(A/N Okay but like, I have a headcanon that Uraraka and Izuku have dimples. Idk guys, I feel like it suits them ig!)

And so, this went on the entire car ride. Uraraka would make a sassy comment, Todoroki would come back with dead sarcasm of his own, and Izuku would just sit and listen to the two. Every now and then making small observations on their interactions.

"So, how're things going with you and Ashido?" Izuku asked once they were out of the car.

Uraraka blushed, tugging at the hem of her dress before ducking her head down. "Okay, you guys can't say anything to anyone about this got it?" She warned, jabbing her index finger at them.

They both nod, urging her to continue.

"I may or may not be planning on proposing to her for our anniversary." Uraraka whispered, her face going flush with red.

"Holy crap! Ura, I'm so happy for you!" Izuku gushed, pulling her into a bear hug.

"Izu- ku...can't...breathe." She gasped, it was mainly in a joking manner- but he did have a pretty strong grip on her.

Rolling his eyes he lets her go, playfully punching her in the arm. "Oh, hush, drama queen."

"Congratulations Uraraka. Hopefully, she says yes, and may your marriage be better than how my father's turned out." Todoroki said he didn't mean for it to come out as a joke. In all honesty, he meant what he said.

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