So We Can Agree You're An Idiot? (Chapter seven)

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~Third Person P.O.V~


"You have to be the world's biggest idiot!"

Now, where has heard this before?

Izuku picked at the loose strings on his comforter, he had a few bruised ribs, a grade 1 sprained ankle, and his arm hurt like shit again. He was home now, they just discharged him from the hospital a few hours ago. Unfortunately for the both of them, Izuku could barely walk so the doctor ordered him on bed rest for 5 to 14 days.

Leaving Uraraka and Todoroki to babysit in between shifts.

"Yeah yeah, can we please skip the whole 'Self-care' lecture for now Ura? My head hurts and you yelling won't help." He groaned, fishing around in his nightstand for some pain reliever.

Uraraka huffed, crawling over onto the bed next to him in a silent rage. If she was being honest, she didn't have the energy to full-on yell at him right now- so she settled for the silent treatment. Izuku flipped on the TV, switching over to Netflix to watch Arrow.

It's an American show, it actually helped him understand English better now. He turned on the subtitles for Uraraka though, her English wasn't all too perfect. 

"Let's see what this bitch Laurel does now." He muttered under his breath, pulling Uraraka closer to him using his good arm.

(I'm on season 4 of Arrow, I hate the bitch known as Laurel.)

She had her arms folded, as she glared at the TV- her angry facade was slowly starting to slip away. What could she say, she just couldn't stay mad at her best friend. 

"Ura, I know you're pissed off with me and all but- your shift starts in two hours. Get some sleep, please." Izuku urged, he really did feel bad that his friends had to help him out. The least they could do was try and sleep while they were there.

"Fine." She whispered, then an idea hit her, "Just let me make a phone call first."


Izuku was currently taking a nap, Uraraka had slipped out of bed when the doorbell rang. Rushing out the room and towards the front she opens it, a seemingly calm Katsuki standing at the other side.

"You're lucky I blame myself for what happened to him Pink Cheeks- or else I would still be at home fucking sleeping." Katsuki scoffed, throwing his duffel bag on the couch while taking a look around the room.

"Mhm, yeah sure. Just make sure he takes his pills every six hours- he took them at five o'clock so he doesn't have to again until eleven. You'll probably be gone by then so that was pretty pointless to tell you. Well I mean you could always just remind him to set an alarm-"

"Shut the hell up." The blond interrupted, mumbling about how Izuku was rubbing off on Uraraka. 

Uraraka rolled her eyes, grabbing her shoes and began to walk out the door. "He's taking a nap by the way!" She called over her shoulder, the next second she was gone.

Katsuki puffed his cheeks, gradually letting the air spill out as he sat down on the couch. He had been beating himself up over Izuku's fall for the past two days. Maybe if he hadn't left. Or took Izuku with him. Again, it annoyed him to wits' end that he cared, he wasn't necessarily fond of the emotion.

After a few more minutes of wallowing in his own irritation, he gets up, striding off to Izuku's room.

He sat down on the bed, watching as Izuku's chest rose and fell with his breathing. Katsuki would be lying through his teeth if he said the sight didn't make his heart flutter.

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