“I don’t know,” I muttered shrugging as I turned back to face Ashley. I guess it’s going to take some time for Lori to warm up to Ashley.

“It’s alright, she’ll come around eventually” she beamed as she linked her arms with mine. I gave her a side glance. She was awfully cheery. I eased my arm away from hers and stuffed it in my pocket. It was weird having her hold onto me like that. Just the way she was clinging to me, it was like she didn’t want to let go – ever.

“So got any plans for valentines?” she asked when I reached my locker. I sighed grabbing my stuff and shutting my locker disgruntled. I still haven’t thought of what I was going to do for valentine’s tonight with Lori. I mean how hard could it be to plan something for the two of us?

She picked up on my irritation and rubbed my back affectionately. Again with the touching? I looked down at her raising an eyebrow, why does she insist on putting her hands on me so much?

“What is it?” she asked rubbing her hand from my back to my arm. I took a step away from so there was a good enough distance and turned to face her.

“I’ve decided that tonight’s the night I tell Lori how I feel about her. It’s Valentine’s Day, the most romantic day of the year so it’s perfect, except I have no idea how I'm going to do it,” I groaned running my hand through my hair frustrated.

She didn’t say anything as she gazed blankly down the hall. I turned to look at what she was staring at. There was nothing there. Everyone had already gone to class; it was just me and her. I had music and I'm already done my lyric making assignment, so if I missed one class it was no big deal. I turned back and the color from her face drained and she looked as if she’s seen a ghost.

“Hey you ok?” She didn’t respond and I started to get worried. What was wrong with her? I grabbed her shoulders and shook her gently hoping it would snap her out of her trance. She blinked a couple of times her eyes watering a bit as she looked up at me. “You ok?” I asked again.

She finally responded with giving me a small smile and nodding her head. I gave her a sceptical look not believing her. “You sure?” I mean one minute she was cheery and all smiles and now she looks like she’s about to fall apart.

“I'm fine,” she said a tartly. She took a deep breath and straightening her shirt which was a size too small causing her cleavage to pop out in my face. I averted my gaze and looked ahead of her a little uncomfortable. I don’t know why she persists on wearing such vulgar clothing. I don’t find that attractive at all.

I like a girl who likes to show a little skin, not too much, but enough to have me guessing what’s underneath – kind of like Lori. Suddenly an image of Lori half naked popped into my head and I started to get aroused. I don’t know when it started but Lori changes in front of me all the time like it’s no big deal, but she has no idea how crazy she drives me. I try to hide it but I enjoy myself way too much when she’s changing. If she ever found out I enjoy watching her change, she may never do it in front of me again.

I shook my head trying to clear my mind before I ended up getting a boner in front Ashley. “So any ideas on what I should do?” I asked trying to get past this silent stage. She was silent again for a moment, her face blank as she stared at noting in particular. Finally she looked up at me biting her lip slightly.

“How about you take her out on a romantic dinner,” she suggested running her hands through her hair, her jaw clenched like she was holding back something.

“That’s a great idea,” I exclaimed. Yeah I could make a reservation for two at a nice restaurant, and then after we could go for a moonlit stroll around the park. I grinned at Ashley my insides bursting with joy. This was perfect! “Thank you so much,” I said pulling her in for a hug. My action took her by surprise, but a second later she hugged me back holding onto me tightly.

I Fell For My Geeky Best Friend (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now