"I will have your forecast in a moment." The voice says again.

"Oh wow."

I look to my right, to see Winston rubbing his eyes and staring out the bright window beside me. "Yeah, I know." I reply groggily, looking out the window as well.

"Did you fall asleep too?" He asks.

"Yeah, we were both sleeping for almost 5 hours." I laughed, him joining.

"So two hours left." He mumbles. "What might two college students do to past time on an airplane."


"How about tic-tac-toe?" He interrupts. I nod as he pulls out a pen and paper, drawing out the grid.

"What would you like to be?" Winston asks, looking at the paper and ready for my response. I was thinking. He glanced his eyes up at me, and I smiled.

"Circle." I responded, trying to hide my smile. He makes a key for who's who.

"I'll go first." He says, marking an X in the middle.

"The weather forecast for North Carolina is sadly... Rainy, and a high of 55 today. Hope you guys brought your coats!" The pilot announces through the speakers. Groans were heard from all around, and complaining.

"It'll be hard transitioning from California winters to NC winters." Winston states.

"Yeah, LA weather is amazing all year."

"I can't wait to get to North Carolina!" Winston says sarcastically. I shake my head and grin.

We arrive on North Carolina, at approximately 4:45pm. I tell Winston that Id call him as soon as I reach a phone at home, and hugged and shared comments. We also talked about our classes and if we have any of the same in college.

As I sat in the taxi, on the way to my home, all I could think about it my mother. Was she with my father this whole time? How did she not know I was being raped and abused? Why didn't she help when my father came after me in California? I hope that today all these answers will be provided to me. Hopefully.

About forty minutes later, I walk up to my house, the features of it still somewhat fresh in my mind. I had a small bag of belongings that I had bought after I was submitted into the hospital, but that was it. I nervously knocked a couple times.

"Hello-" my mothers eyes were wide open, and she immediately falls to tears. "Rosie!" She yells, throwing her arms around me, causing me to drop my small bag. I stumble backwards a bit before accepting her hug, and placing my arms around her as well.

"You look so different." She cries, pulling back from the hug and taking my small bag from the porch.

"Mom, it was only like six months." I smile.

"I know, but, ugh. Whatever, I'm just glad you're back. Come inside, it's freezing and raining!"

I scurry in, taking in all the framed pictures and memories scattered across the walls and tables. As I look at different pictures, certain memories come back, making me smile.

"I just want to get this out of the way." She mumbles, sitting on the couch behind me as I glanced through pictures. "I never knew your father was abusing you or anything, and, and, I feel so, so stupid and horrible for it." She apologizes, taking a tissue from the coffee table.

"It's okay." I respond.

"So, what happened to Harry?" She asks.

"I, uhm," I paused, "I have something to tell you."

Into The Shadows ✘ Harry StylesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz