The woman laid down the menu, folding her hands together as she inched forward to speak since there were many other guests talking in the restaurant. "Be honest with me, okay?" Her soft voice somehow brought Jimin anxiety from the question alone. All he did was nod, and he watched her sigh a little, looking down before moving her lips again.

"Did you really want to take me out tonight?" She asked, trying to study his expression. His eyebrows raised a little, taken back by the question, "Of course." He immediately responded, setting down the menu. She licked her lips a little, "Are you sure?"

"Yeah. Why? Why do you ask?" Jimin panicked a little, confused on why she was asking him these things. She nibbled on her bottom lip, "Jimin... I know you didn't send that text to me when you asked me to dinner. I know it wasn't you." Jimin's complexion flushed beet red after that, feeling like he just committed the worse crime of his life.

"I'm sorry." His eyes were unable to meet hers, feeling ashamed. "I see. So you didn't mean it." She quietly mumbled, retracting back to her seat. Jimin's eyes widened, eyes darting up to find hers, "No! I did!" He insisted, almost yelling which caught her attention. Her big doe-like eyes gazed at him for an explanation. He gulped, "Hana- look. I'm really sorry if you think I'm a fraud or something. I wouldn't blame you. I-I know I didn't send that text, but I truly did want to take you out. I just didn't know how to ask. M-My friend just kinda.. helped me." He rambled, feeling his nerves take over.

Hana chuckled softly at his extremely flustered behavior. The man looked up with shaky eyes, wanting to disappear again. "Tell your friend that I want you to send your own texts. I want Jimin texting me, not some other guy." She sent him a small smile, gazing at him. He nodded, "I-I will send my own texts." He pursed his lips, feeling like an idiot.

Is this how everyone feels on their first date?

"Are you nervous?" She smiled, her eyes creasing into perfect little crescents. Jimin gulped, "Is it that obvious?" He panicked a little inside, letting his left leg bounce underneath the table.

Hana chuckled with fondness gleaming in her eyes, "I think it's cute how you're nervous. I didn't think you'd be like this."

"Well, it's my first date-"

Her eyes widened like her eyeballs could pop out of her sockets any time soon. "This is your first date?! How old are you?"

"I'm 24." Her eyes remained in the same position, causing Jimin to laugh a little since she looked a little funny. "What?"

"You're 24, and you've never gone on a date?" She astonishingly asked again for another clarification because simply hearing it once was not enough for her to register it in her mind.

Jimin's smile faltered as he subtly nodded, suddenly feeling a little ashamed. Hoseok has probably dated more than 5 people in his entire life at age 25, went on a billion dates, had a bunch of kisses, had sex a few times already, and here Jimin was: 24, never been on a date, never had his first kiss, never had a girlfriend, and certainly still had his virginity.

"Damn it." He muttered under his breath, covering his face all of a sudden, truly realizing how pathetic it was to admit this in front of a woman. He felt so embarrassed, truly wanting to dig that hole right then and there. His anxiety grew as he felt his insides churn uncomfortably. The shame that he thought about before was 100 times larger by now.

Talk about impressing a woman.

"What's wrong?" He heard her sweet voice utter in concern, soon feeling her warm hands grasping his arms. "Are you okay?" The voice now sounded far like a blur. No, no, no.

"Yes." He breathed out, pulling his hands away to see her eyebrows furrowed, worried. He shook his head. I can't do this anymore. "I'm sorry, can we do this date another day? I don't feel well." He blurted, abruptly closing the menu.

"Yeah, that's fine." Hana said, closing her menu as well as she grabbed her jacket to put on. Just watching her do it with a blank face tore his heart— knowing that she went out of her way to come out with him, knowing that he wasted her valuable time, and knowing that he had already fucked up his first impression. The weight of his heart could not give him a break when he also got up to wear his jacket.

The walk to the car was silent and awkward. Hana didn't try to speak to him, and he was too busy worrying in his own head about everything. He could only focus on the loud booming in his ear drums.

The car ride was also stuffy. Jimin lost count of how many times he gulped and how many times he spared a glance at Hana to see her just blankly staring out the window. He finally pulled up at her house, stopping right where he picked her up.

"Hana, I'm sorry." Jimin finally spoke when she rested her hand on the car handle. The woman turned around to meet her eyes with him. Nonetheless, she gave him a small smile without letting it reach her eyes, nodding as she acknowledged his apology.

"Goodnight, Jimin." Was all she said before leaving the car. Jimin quickly drove off to his house, unable to think of anything. He didn't want to think about anything yet. After parking in his garage, he rested his face inside his palms, closing his eyes as his cheeks turn hot.

In the next few seconds, he dialed Hoseok.

"What's up, Chim? How'd the date go?" He teasingly sang. Hearing his cheerful voice, Jimin could already tell he was smiling. He couldn't find the heart to even speak now.

"Hello? Jimin?"

Hoseok heard a long, desolate sigh from the other line, which caused his heart to drop to the pit of his stomach, "Jimin? Are you alright?"

"No." The younger unevenly breathed out, choking on his words. "I-I completely ruined the date." He shakily whispered loud enough for him to hear, bending his head forward, letting his forehead rest on the wheel.

"Oh, Chim.. where are you now? Are you home? I'll come over." Hoseok immediately said, grabbing his car keys off the hook.

"Yeah, I'm at home." Jimin mumbled, lifting his head from the wheel to look at his phone.

"I'll be there."

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