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So before I get into the story, I wanna kinda vent to you guys because it's fun and I like it. Also I love to hear your responses! I read every comment and appreciate every vote. You guys are awesome!!

I haven't updated in like two or three days, I think, and there are pretty good reasons for that. So a few days ago I downloaded a game on my laptop because I was bored during lockdown.

I ended up getting addicted. It's called Order and Chaos 2, and it's an RPG (Role Play Game) where you go on quests and stuff. I decided to be like a small animal thing, not sure what it's called, but she's purple with big ears and a mask because corona.

Anyway, I eventually got bored of that and was going to update yesterday, but then I found out I have an assignment due on Wednesday and I didn't start yet. So ya girl has been hustling and working on the assignment. I'm not done yet but I got bored.



When I enter the lair with Casey, it's almost exactly the same as when I came here with Raph, except Leo is playing video games with Mikey and Donnie is nowhere to be seen.

"Raph's home!" Mikey yells, as I suspected he would.

"It's not Raph." I say before placing my lips in a straight line. Leo seems to drop the controller when he hears my voice. Both turtle brothers stand up and walk towards me and Casey, who they barely seem to notice.

"Emma! It's so good to see you." Mikey allows a huge grin to sweep over his face, and I almost feel bad that I can't return the grin or share in his excitement.

Leo's the one who picks up on my facial expression, and he allows a flash of worry to cross his face. "Is everything alright? Where's Raph? I thought he was going to see you, he said-"

"He's gone." My voice almost hitches in my throat when I say this, and both brothers look at me in confusion. "He was taken by Shredder's ninjas. He was...protecting me from them and I ran."

"Are you okay?" Mikey asks, his eyes huge and sad. "Do you know where they took Raph?"

"We don't know that just yet." Casey pipes up, and they suddenly seem to notice him and the ninja thrown over his shoulder, who I'm sure is going to wake up any time now. Casey drops the ninja at the turtles feet, and their eyes widen. I almost feel bad that this guy is being thrown around like a potato sack and is going to be in a hell of a lot of pain when he wakes up. Almost.

"Okay, this is not how I saw our night going." Mikey mutters. My eyes are on the ground as Mikey and Casey continue talking, but I can't seem to hear anything at that moment. I just want to make sure Raph's safe, and sitting and talking just makes me more and more nervous.

When I look up, I see that Leo is looking at me intently, trying to figure out what I'm feeling, but I turn my face so that he doesn't see my facial expression.

"I contacted April, so she and Vern will be here soon." I catch Casey say and I look to him quickly.

"You roped my brother into this? He's more in danger than any of us! He should not be involved in this, Casey." my voice is hard and annoyed as I fold my arms across my chest. I already feel vulnerable knowing I couldn't protect Raph, and now Vern's getting involved too. I don't know what I'd do if I lose him.

"If he's here, at least we'll know he's safe." Casey looks at me, his eyes and expression calm. "Isn't that better than not knowing where he is? If he's captured too?"

"I have a cellphone, you know?" I grumble, not wanting to admit that he's right before I look at the turtle brothers. "Anyone gonna get Donnie?" 

"I'll go get him." Mikey leaves. Casey whistles lowly under his breath as he shuffles his feet.

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