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Hi guys! It's me with another update! Just checking in to say that I love yall and hope you are safe <3. 

Enjoy this cute gif of Violet and, of course, the story.


"Juliet, you're alive?" Mikey asks as he and Donnie walk towards us. I can trace the speckles on his lower jaw with my mind.

"Actually, I go by Emma now..." I speak, and I notice Raph look at me in shock. He obviously wasn't aware of that. "And, yeah..."

The two turtles stand in awe in front of me and Violet, though they barely notice her. "Hi, I'm Violet." she pipes up, pushing past me and extending her hand. They notice her for the first time and Donnie steps back while Mikey grins.

"Hi! I'm Michelangelo, but all the pretty girls call me Mikey." he shakes her hand before winking at her. "You can call me Mikey." 

"Charmed." she says, basking in the attention.

"You brought another human?" Donnie snaps at Raph in anger. "You brought her in the first place?" he looks at me.

"Hey, what's wrong with her?" Violet defends me, folding her arms across her chest. 

"Don't get me started." Raphael groans. "I do whatever I want, and I wanted to bring Jules - uh..." he falters a bit. "Emma. Unfortunately, Violet came with her." 

"Hey!" Violet huffs, but I know she's not offended. She immediately springs into detective mode. "So who's the one who lied about Emma's death?"

"Vi!" I pipe up immediately, my eyes wide.

"Wait, wait, wait." Mikey holds his hands up. "Hold up. Everyone take a seat," he gestures to the couch. "Chef Mikey will warm us up some pizza, and then we can talk about this, because clearly there's confusion."

"Thanks, Chef Mikey." Violet winks before sashaying over to the couch and sitting on it. She looks at me and gives me an encouraging smile. I walk towards her and sit down next to her.

"You're doing okay." she says under her breath as Raph and Donnie walk towards us. Donnie sits on a single-seat couch while Raph just leans against the wall, scowling. 

"So...h-how have you been doing?" Donnie asks awkwardly, clearly not knowing where to look or what to do.

"Pretty alive." I respond bitterly before I release a sigh. "I've been good. Amazing, actually."

"That's...good." he says. The whole situation is awkward, even more awkward than I'd anticipated. "Nice necklace." he says. I subconsciously reach for the garnet necklace around my neck, my fingers playing with the gemstone. Raphael notices the necklace and smiles softly.

"So what's it like living in a sewer?" Violet asks curiously. "I would hate it so much." 

"You get used to it." Donnie responds, using the same words Raphael used earlier. While Donnie and Violet awkwardly try to get a conversation going, my eyes find Raph's, but he's already looking at me. I find myself staring, feeling that same safe feeling I used to feel so many months ago. The feeling I didn't feel after he left.

I break eye contact with Raph as Mikey skateboards in, holding a plate full of pizza on it. He yells some words, but I don't pay attention as he hands pizza to everyone and kicks his board aside. When he reaches me, I politely decline the pizza simply because I'm already feeling sick to my stomach and won't be able to eat.

"So, tell us everything." Mikey sits on the floor, crossing his legs and looking at me and Violet like we're a rare candy and he's a curious kid. It's adorable. He places the plate aside and takes a big bite out of his pizza before he speaks with his mouth full. "How did you come back to life? What happened on the other side?" he asks, his eyes glimmering. "And did you know we saved the city and got medals for it? Why is your name now Emma?"

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