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I cross my arms across my chest as I lean against the wall of the lair, watching Mikey play video games and Leo cross his legs, placing his hands on his legs facing upwards, eyes closed. It's clear that he's meditating again.

I scowl at my brothers before I feel myself get knocked and a pink, jelly-liquid like substance to fall over me. I am fuming when I turn to the purple clad turtle.

"Donnie!" I hiss, grabbing a leather strap that covers his chest. He can see the anger in my eyes, and the others can sense it, so Leo stands up and Mikey pauses his game.

"I'm sorry, Raph." Donnie gets out of my grasp and picks up his beaker that fell, "I didn't see where I was going." he said calmly, not the least bit apologetic.

"You don't say?" I respond sarcastically, wiping my hand across my face to rid myself of the terrible substance. I face the other two. "Any one of you numbnuts wanna take my Julia shift tonight? It's getting annoying."

Mikey opens his mouth to speak, but the look that Leo gives him silences him. Then, our Fearless Leader faces me, and I give him a sarcastic look in response.

"Vern trusted you with her, not us."Leo says sternly, and I roll my eyes. "Plus, you know it's Juliet."

"Why can't one of you do it?" I ask, but it sounds more like a statement. Mikey opens his mouth to speak again, but Leo faces him once more.

"Mikey, no." Leo says. The orange clad turtle sulks. Leonardo turns his attention to me. "Raph, come on. You promised Vern."

I groan. "Don't you think she'll be all safe and settled down already?" I ask, but I'm already on my way out.

"I don't know, bro." Mikey gives a response. "She almost got shot a week ago."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm going."

Dutifully, I make my way over to the direction of Vern's apartment via our usual roof jumping, until I land on the fire escape and peer in.

Juliet is there, pacing in the kitchen, her top teeth biting back her bottom lip. Suddenly, she stops pacing and her eyes turn in my direction. I lean my head back a bit, ensuring that she can't see me.

She leans her head back and peers down the hallway, where the sound of a shower can be heard, sounding muffled.

"Vern?" she calls, and received no response. She places her thumb on her bottom lip and bites on the fingernail nervously. "I'm going out for air!"

The shower pauses and the bathroom door opens slightly. "What?" Vern asks, "I couldn't hear."

"I- I am going to Gin's." she says, and forces a smile on her lips. I could tell she was lying, because she still didn't remove her finger from her lip.

"Yeah, sure, whatever." Vern says and the door closes once more, the shower continuing. Jules huffs out in relief and drops her arm down.

"Come on," she says softly, and I almost think she's talking to me, knowing that I'm there, but she's talking to herself. "Let's go find Raphael."

I want to scream at her, and tell her that the city isn't safe, and that she's most likely to get robbed, but I know Leo said she's not allowed to see me, so I say nothing.

She slams the door on her way out and I flinch. I curse at her for being so stupid, and jump down onto the ground to wait for her to exit.

She exits the apartment building and the wind whips her brown hair back. Her hazel eyes scan the area around her, and she walks.

I notice that she's walking in the direction of the alley where I gave her directions. I follow her and curiously watch her strides. She's walking in a determined step, her eyes still scanning, not even realizing that I'm not far from her.

She stops by the alley, and stuffs her hands into her pockets.

"Raphael!" she calls out, and I growl silently. Is she insane? "I'm here, come on, I already know what you look like, so it's pointless hiding."

Why does she need to see me so badly? Why can't she just leave it be? I slip into the shadows of the alley.

I stare at her features. Brown hair blowing in the wind. Large, hazel, curious eyes. A tiny, round nose.

"Raphael, come on. It's not funny." she sounds defeated, and she sighs. "I'm such an idiot." she tells herself, facepalming softly. "He's not even here, Jules. Maybe it's time to give up."

Yeah, I smirk to myself, finally.

Just then, I hear a bunch of drunk guys from a distance. Jules hears them too, but they're in close proximity of her, and she has nowhere to go but into the alley, but she won't make it fast enough. She's in the middle of the street. Luckily, they don't notice her yet.

"Yo," slurs one. I can't see him. Jules widens her eyes and quietly moves towards the alley. "It's a pity I didn't get laid tonight."

"Don't worry bro." comes another voice. "There's always next time."

The thought of them seeing Jules makes my insides churn, so I reach forward and pull her into the alley, against my chest.

I place my rugged hand over her mouth, feeling the soft skin against my hand. I feel her heart rate speed up through the hand that's keeping her small wrist. Her breathing increases as well, and her eyes are wide as they find mine. Hers are a bright shade of hazel, and they intrigue me. She intrigues me.

My electric green eyes stray from her hazel ones, and is fixed on the guys until they disappear around the corner.

I let go of her and she stumbles out of my grasp. She faces me. She's tiny, about 5'3", which is more than a foot shorter than my 6'7" figure.

"You," she breaths, "y-you are-" she swallows, "you're here."

I scowl at myself for compromising the fact that she wasn't supposed to see me. Suddenly I'm angry at her for forcing me to show myself.

"Why do you always go looking for danger?" I ask rudely. This doesn't seem to make the girl flinch.

"I don't go looking for danger," she says, her eyes fixed on mine. Her voice calm. "I go looking for you."

For a few seconds we stay staring at each other until I speak.

"Well, stop."

She rubs her lips against one another before she speaks.

"Relax, Rover, I got the memo." she rolls her eyes and leans forward to grip my arm. I feel my breath hitch in my throat and a jolt in my chest. It's unnatural. "But, can you blame me for wanting to see you?"

I'm shocked by the contact, and I feel the spot where Donnie spilled his stupid liquid burn. I yank myself out of her grasp.

"Yes." I respond bluntly, and Jules' face indicates that she's not giving up any time soon. "Aren't you scared of me?"

She gives me a sarcastic look. "If I was, would I be talking to you right now?"

"Well," I glare at her, my voice dark. "You should be."

"Well," she retorts, her voice calm. "I'm not."

From the corner of my eye, I see Leo's silhouette on the roof. I know he's gonna be angry that I am speaking to Jules, so I curse.

"I wasn't-" I hiss, but he disappears. "Dammit!" I face Jules, blaming her. "If you know what's good for you, you'll stay away from me."

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