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"Okay, Gin," I ready myself, fingers enveloped in one another. I lean forward and Gin has an 'I'm ready' look on her face. "What I am about to tell you might sound crazy."

She raises her brows and widens her eyes teasingly. "I'm all for crazy."

"Okay, so when I got here three nights ago," I begin, hoping I don't sound like a complete idiot. "I swear I saw someone watching me from the vents. They've got these gorgeous orange eyes," I find myself smiling at the thought of the mystery guy. "And then, that night I hear people in the apartment, but when I go outside to check up on it, there's nobody. And Vern says it was the TV, but I know that the power was off," I'm angry at Vern for lying, but I don't dwell on it. "And then last night, I see the same gorgeous eyes when I'm lost, they're in an alley. I just have to get to him, okay, but he was so deep in the alley, and I was so afraid to come closer. I mean, I don't know this guy from Adam. And then he speaks, and it's the same dark voice as the one as one of the guys that was in my apartment. I have to, have to, have to find him." I fold my lips into my mouth and look at her from behind my big, hazel eyes.

Gin looks taken aback, to say the least, and I find myself stupid for embarrassing myself. Then, she speaks.

"Wow, that is crazy." she whistles. I almost shut my eyes and sigh, "but I believe you."

"You do?" I ask almost instantly. Gin is about to reply, but then a loud sound is heard, followed by screams.

The two of us look to the entrance of the restaurant where about three guys in black enter, each holding a gun. My eyes widen, as does Gin's.

"Everyone, get down! Now!" shouts one.

"This is a robbery!" shouts another. Thanks for that, I think in irritation, you know, I kind of thought you were entering with guns and ski masks because you were interested in throwing a Tea Party.

Gin and I sink to the floor, under the table. She looks at me through glassy eyes.

"I'm scared." she mouths. My fear filled eyes travel to the men, and my heart pounds in my throat. My ears are numb, and my eyes can't register what is happening. Shakily, I pull my phone out of my pocket and dial Vern. It rings, but because of all the commotion, the robbers can't hear it.

"Yup?" Vern greets casually. I hear voices in the background.

"Vern," I whisper shakily, "Call 911, Gin and I are trapped at Gatebridge mall, in the Caffeine Beans restaurant, we're... it's being robbed, and we're-"

"Yo, does that girl have a cellphone?" one asks, and my eyes widen as I drop the cellphone by mistake. I hear Vern yelling on the other end, but I cannot register anything.

"Get the money, dimwit, I'll take care of the girl." a taller one with a hard tone says, and Gin shuts her eyes as she hears the safety trigger being pulled on the gun. My heart is pounding in my chest, and my breathing is slow, my eyes wide.

Gin is silently crying when the guy raises his gun to us, but I lick my lips angrily. Just as his fingers graze the trigger, I push our table forward, thankful that it was a flimsy, four-legged wooden table, that even I, as a small woman, am able to tip it over with ease. I jump slightly as a bullet shoots through the centre of the table, barely missing Gin and I.

The man chuckles lowly. "We can play this game." he says cynically, shooting another bullet, this time closer towards me. "Just know that at the end of it," he shoots another one, inches away from my head. I inhale deeply. "You'll die." just as he is about to shoot another one, the power goes out in the entire mall.

I hear three consecutive bullet shots, but none of them were aimed at Gin and I. Then, a familiar voice speaks.

"You're all out of ammo." he says darkly. I let out a sigh of relief and relax my shoulders. I face Gin.

"That's him." I whisper. "That's the guy."

Gin peers over the table, but returns seconds later. "I can't see anything, it's too dark."

"Mikey, get the other guy." a new voice speaks.

"On it!" responds another.

"Donnie, gather all the civilians to safety." the voice commands another one.

"Rodger that, Leo." comes a new voice. All of these voices are familiar. They were all in my apartment the night our power went out, just as the power was out now.


"I'm gonna take down this asshole." the dark voice responds, and by the groan that followed the man that tried to shoot Gin and I, I know he has him already.

I peer over the table but only see silhouettes moving in the dark of night. They are huge.

The shortest one seems to be at least six foot four, which is a whole foot larger than my height of five foot three.

Following the groans of the gunman, I head towards them, ignoring Gin's "what are you doing?", but I can't stop myself.

I stand a good distance away, and when the man is on the floor, barely moving, the guy with the eyes, who was called Raph by the other one, looked up.

Then down to meet my eyes.

We stay staring at each other for a little while, and I notice that although the area around his pupil is amber, the rest of his iris is a bright, bright green. I see bits of his physique now, and I am slightly shocked. He is a mutant, that part was clear, evidently displayed by his green, tortoise like skin, reptilian eyes, and large shell.

I step back a little, having to catch my breath.

"You're a-"

"Don't," he growls, "Don't look at me. And don't say it."

I blink now. "You're the one that's been there the whole time?" I piece it together. "This is why you wouldn't show your face."

He looks away, a scowl on his lips. For a second, I am scared, but then I think back. He is the one that helped me get home, he is the one saving me right now.

I take a step forward. "Thank you."

I don't notice when figures zoom past in the dark, and they don't seem to notice me.

"Raphael, come on, the power is about to go back on!" shouts one, and the mutant known as Raphael growls. He steps to leave, but his eyes meet mine again, and once again, it's as if we can't look away.

"Raph, come on!" shouts another voice.

"Coming!" Raphael responds angrily before turning and running in their direction.

I am left rooted to the spot when the power comes back on, but he's nowhere to be seen, just as the police arrive with Vern. I can hear Vern talking to me, but I don't register a thing. My eyes are glued to the spot Raphael once was, and I can't seem to look away.

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