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"I'm next?" I asks nervously, "what do you mean I'm next?"

Raph just stands there with a manic smile on his lips, looking unlike himself. But he's Raph, my Raph.

"Oh, where are my manners?" The voice says again through the speakers and I turn my head in its direction, "my name is Karai - I work for the Shredder. Well, now I'm not the only one," she chuckles slightly, arrogantly, "your little boyfriend over here couldn't stop talking about how if we lay a hand on you we'll pay. He didn't say anything about doing the damage himself. So we mutated your mutant, who, by the way, has no memory of you, and does only what I tell him to."

I swallow and bark, "Raph would never hurt me!" Though my hands are shaking around the GPS that I still hold.

"Juliet, your naivety is cute," Karai says, "why don't we put it to the test?"

Someone stirs. It's Leo. When he sees me, his eyes widen and he tries to sit up but to no avail. The room isn't very big, despite the circular shape of an arena, there are no stands or ventilation. Nothing except the walls and floor. Nowhere for me to hide.

"Emma," he says weakly, "it - it's a trap..." I wonder if he thinks he's dreaming or if he knows I'm really there, "Raph's-"

"Oh don't spoil the fun now, Leonardo," Karai says dryly, "let her get to know the new Raph for herself."

My hand tightens around the metal device, "I do know Raph," I say weakly, though more to myself.

There's a piercing silence before a sound, much like a siren, rings through the arena, barely drowning out Leo's shout of dismay.

Before I can register, Raph lunges for me. He seems heavier than usual. I jump out of the way but he's swinging for me again. My heartbeat quickens in my chest as I know that everything Karai said was true. This isn't Raph. I run for the door and to my dismay, it's locked. There's no way out.

I feel myself panic. There is no way I can keep this up for long - I'm unfit and weak. My best defense was the very guy trying to hurt me.

"Raph, stop," I say, but he doesn't hear me as he swings his fist which holds a sai at me. I dodge, and he slams the wall. It's as if the sound reverberates off the walls. Is it just me or is he stronger than usual? "Raph, come on, it's me!" I scream now.

He ignores me and swings at me again with the butt of his sai. This time he doesn't miss. I'm flung across the room before skidding across the floor. The GPS slides away from me. My side hurts and tears fill my eyes. I'm definitely dying by the hands of Raph - I never thought I'd see the day.

Raph makes a run towards me but is blocked by Leo who mustered enough strength and manages a weak punch to his brother. Raph staggers, and I stand up. Without thinking he lodges his sai into Leo's side. The blue-clad turtles eyes widen as he sinks to his knees.

"Leo!" I can barely scream as I watch in horror how blood seeps out of Leonardo's side. Is he stupid? He's going to die now because of me! "Why would you do that?" I yell at Leo in desperation and panic, "I can handle myself!" I yell, yet I'm rooted in place due to fear and pain.

Leo doesn't say anything, but lays down on his back and breathes heavily.

I notice that Raph's not attacking me. He's looking at me intently.

"Why would you do that?" He repeats, "How could you be so stupid?"

Through shaky breathes, I swallow and say, "what?"

"I can handle myself against ninjas," he looks at me. I see a flicker of recognition in his eyes, "J-"

The siren sounds again, and he snaps out of whatever trance he was in. He shakes his head and lunges for me again. I can't run because of the pain, so he slams me against the wall and keeps me there by the throat.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2022 ⏰

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