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Bad descriptions of the sides plus extras

Logan: A faulty filing cabinet going through a mid-life crisis with serious anger management issues, and a growing desire to end someone's life, running on windows 8.

Patton: Lawful good, chaotic neutral, a trillion sprinkles and an inability to show sadness blended together and poored over a hyperactive 5 year old who doesn't know what an angry is.

Roman: Femenine theatre gay stereotype and angry manly writer stereotype stuffed into an over dramatic Halloween costume that's lowkey self-conscious.

Virgil: An overly sensitive car alarm with sass and self esteem issues who still thinks it's 2005 and wants nothing more than to leave to join the Black Parade.

Deceit: An anarchist, gay lawyer who has had twenty mental breakdowns in one day, can only speak in riddles and doesn't know what the top shelf looks like.

Remus: A literal phychotic octupus-rat hybrid that crawled out of the trash, has been exposed to the internet for too long, has no social filter and is scared of the shower

Remy: The gayest memelord who has one outfit in his wardrobe, is a bitch queen and runs entirely on depression and pumpkin spiced latte's.

Emile: A crazed cupcake who speaks fluent fandom reference, is one cuss away from murdering everyone and hasn't stopped crying since Steven Universe finished.

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