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Thomas: Everyone say something positive to the viewers.

Patton: If speaking kindly to plants helps them grow, imagine what speaking kindly to humans will do!

Logan: An entire ocean of water can't sink a ship unless it gets inside the ship. Similarly the negativity of the world can't put you down unless you let it inside you.

Roman: Life is like a piano, the white keys show happiness, the black keys show saddness. But as you venture through life's journey remember that the black keys also make music!

Virgil: Emo is short for emotional, and music without emotion is just another jingle. So lable us emo, we're still better than your ass.

Thomas: You- you just quoted Frank Ier-

Deceit: Life is like Tetris...

Thomas: If you fit in you disappear?

Deciet: No, if something goes wrong everyone just gives up

Thomas: That's not really positive at all-

Remy: When at first you don't succeed, just give up and go to sleep.

Thomas: Wow ok this is going downhill

Remus: People are like slinkies.

Thomas: Explain

Remus: Not good for much, but it's fun to push one down the stairs!

Thomas: Ok nevermind

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