Prologue: defying logic

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In the midst of these dense woods, an eternity seems to pass as I navigate their labyrinthine paths. Seeking solace, I find a refuge beside a thicket, my keen eyes meticulously scouring the ground for signs of lurking predators or any nearby creatures. 

Fixated on the earth below, I search for elusive footprints that may guide me closer to the elusive truth. Yet, to my dismay, my efforts yield naught but frustration and a cascade of unanswered questions.

As the sun begins its descent, a creeping uneasiness takes hold of me. 

The enigmatic phenomena that haunt these woods predominantly emerge under the cover of darkness, leaving me ill-prepared to confront this riddle head-on. With a heavy sigh, I reluctantly stow my rifle behind me, murmuring to myself, "I should get back."

Tracing my steps backward, I retrace my path homeward, although the sun's vanishing presence impels me to slow my pace.
 An unexplained transformation unfolds in the air, unsettling and eerie. A gust, growing in strength with each passing moment, lashes at my back, akin to a tempest gathering its ferocious might. "The wind... it's growing stronger... " I notice, "Oh no... is it happening?" I question aloud, bewildered by this sudden change.

Fear invades my heart, urging me to quicken my steps once more, yet it proves futile.
 The wind, now billowing from disparate directions, defies all logic and reason.
It lashes from the north, then the south, and even from above, carrying with it an assortment of malevolent objects—small rocks, dust, branches, and leaves. A shiver of terror courses through me as its force intensifies with each passing moment. "This isn't normal... this isn't normal!" I repeat to myself, grappling with the inexplicable phenomenon. "Why is the wind blowing this way...?" I ponder.

Though I strive to stand steadfast against these forceful gusts, my resistance only seems to fuel their fury. The wind surges and recedes, ceaselessly assaulting me, as if an invisible presence seeks to expel me from this forest sanctuary.

In this disconcerting moment, Mr. Henderson's ominous words echo in my mind, "People are being kicked out by an angry wind cast at them"

Doubt and disbelief entwine within me. "How could this be? How can they manipulate the wind without any visible means?" I question.

I scour the surroundings, noting the distant trees remaining unaffected, their leaves undisturbed, save for those in close proximity. My heart races as a realization dawns upon me, shattering the illusions I clung to. 

"No... This cannot be the work of spirits. There must be a trick... " I mutter, refusing to acknowledge the testimonies I dismissed as mere superstition.

"Reveal yourselves!" I bellow into the swirling currents, my voice dripping with defiance. "Your illusions will not deceive me! You're not kicking us out of this land, no matter what you try!" The wind may be formidable, but I navigate its ferocity with the determination of an enraged bull. "How can you harm an innocent dog? You will pay for what you did to Kori... " My words, distorted by the raging winds, barely escape my lips.

As I push against the relentless force of nature, I sense otherworldly energy emanating from my front—a sensation unlike any I have ever encountered. "What is this...? radiation?" 

I muse, my mind racing to comprehend the invisible devices at work. Struggling to fix my aim, I desperately focus, striving to direct a bullet toward its source. "This... IS FOR KORI!" I roar as I fire, the loud echo of the gunshot reverberating through the once-tranquil forest.

Miraculously, the wind ceases its relentless assault, returning the forest to its customary serenity. The palpable energy I sensed diminishes, becoming almost imperceptible.

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