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"...and that's why I don't like chickens," I said concluding my story. Sam and I were walking down the stairs to have breakfast and go to school. I'm so glad that our school uniform is just jean pants, sneakers, school T-shirt and the school jersey. At least it has a bit of good taste.

"Wow. That's an odd validation of why you hate chickens because you were once pecked by one when we were four," Sam said.

That fight Sam and I had the other day led us to not talking to each other for 45 minutes. Longest fight we've ever had. Now, we cool.

"That shit hurt. It was traumatizing. That chicken came out of nowhere," I said defending myself.

"The hell! That wasn't even a chicken. It was a chick. You ain't that slick. I still remember that day," Sam said busting out laughing.

I sucked my teeth. "It looked big when I was still four," I said mean mugging her.

We entered the kitchen and found mom just sitting on the kitchen island, busy stirring her tea in her mug.

"Morning mom," we said in unison as we walked in the kitchen.

Sam went to take the boxes of cereal and I took the bowls, milk and the spoons.

We placed the stuff on the island tops.

I looked at mom and she was still busy stirring at her tea... Well, at least I think she's stirring tea in that mug of hers. I looked at her closely and it seems like she's just pensively staring into space.

"Mom? You aight?" I asked as I poured my cereal in my bowl. She just continued staring into space. I went to her and stared into her mug. "Don't you think that mug of air has had just about enough stirring for today?" I asked which snapped her right out of her thoughts.

She shook her head. "Ummm, well-" she paused and gave Sam and I confused looks. "When did you two get here?"

"When you were busy stirring that mug of air," Sam said. "You aight ma?" She asked sounding concerned.

"Yeah baby. I just have a lot on my mind," mom said smiling weakly.

Sam arched her eyebrow. "Like what? You on bed rest. The only thing you should have on your mind is what other series or movie you should watch on Netflix. Stress ain't good for the baby mom," she said going back to her cereal.

I nodded my head. "For once, Sam's right ma. You shouldn't stress yourself," I said going to mom and rubbing her baby bump. "Awe, your baby bump is so tiny and looks so cute on you," I cooed still rubbing her tiny belly.

She kissed my cheek. "Thanks baby," she said smiling. "Now make me some tea," she said handing me her mug.

"Mom, can you please sign our permission slips. We're going to the aquarium today as a class," Sam said handing her our permission slips.

Mom sighed. "Why do you girls like doing things last minute? Why didn't you give me these earlier?" She asked as Sam handed her the pen.

"Well were giving you the papers now. I don't know why you being so melodramatic," Sam said going to put her bowl in the sink.

"Uh-uh, I don't want no dishes in my sink Sam," Mom said as I handed her her cup of tea and I went back to eat my own cereal.

"But mom-"

"Don't make me tell you again Samantha," mom spat.

Oop. She used her full name. She must mean business.

"Wash that dish girl before we have the case of the 'BMW' up in here," I said and Sam chuckled as she washed her dishes.

"What's that?" Mom asked as she looked between us.

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