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Beyonce POV

These past couple of weeks has been amazing with my family. I see that the twins are finally coming around pertaining my pregnancy. I did get pregnant unexpectedly, that's why imma get my tubes tied as soon as I give birth.

"I'll be back baby. I have to go to the office," Shawn said as he walked in the living room.

"Its 4:30 in the afternoon. Why are you going back to the office this late? Plus, its a Friday," I said as I ran my fingers through Dave's curls since he had his head on my lap.

Shawn sat on the opposite couch. "There's an emergency and I have to go."

I get that being the boss, you have to be on your toes at all times but that sucks at times.

I sighed. "Do you really have to go?"

Shawn chuckled as he came and sat next to me. "I'll be back before you know it," he said as he placed his hand on my knee and the other rubbed my three month pregnant belly.

"Okay. Bring back food because I don't feel like cooking and the twins-... Speaking of the twins. Where are they?" I asked looking around.

"They've been cooped up in their rooms ever since they got back from school," Shawn said.

That's odd. The twins are usually in the living room watching TV especially because none of them is grounded.

*Knock! Knock!*

Shawn and I looked at each other. "Were you expecting anyone?" I asked and he shook his head.

"I'll get it!" I heard followed by footsteps hurtling towards the door.

I heard the door open. "Daddy!" I heard voices say cheerfully.

Daddy? That better be not who I think it is on the other side of the door.

Shawn and I got up and went to the door. As expected, Omari was on the other side.

"What are you doing here?" I spat as I gave Omari a deadly glare.

He looked at me and smiled. "Good afternoon to you too Beyonce," he said and I rolled my eyes. He then diverted his attention to the twins. "Are your bags ready?" He asked with a smile.

"What bags?" I asked looking at the twins. They started fidgeting with their fingers.

"I'm taking them for the weekend. That was the court's agreement remember?" Omari said.

Hold the fuck up. Omari hasn't picked up the twins for weeks and now all of a sudden he's picking them up.

"You have to call first so that-"

"Stay out of this," Omari cut Shawn mid sentence. "This is a family matter and the last time I checked I'm the father of Sky and Sam."

I got closer to Omari. "Now I'm not gonna allow you to disrespect my husband in our house," I spat.

Omari just chuckled and rolled his eyes. "Go get your bags and let's go before your mother blows a fuse," he directed to the twins.

They nodded their heads and went back upstairs.

"Why didn't you call first?" I asked Omari with my hand on my hip.

"I did. I've been talking to the girls since Monday that I'll come and pick them up," he said.

The twins then came back with their bags. I turned and looked at them.

"Why didn't you tell me that you were talking to your father?" I asked looking at them both.

"You talk to your father but you don't tell us about it. Why should we? Its our father at the end of the day," Sam said.

I swear that child gets her smart mouth from her father.

"You could have at least told your mother. You guys know that we already have plans for tomorrow," Shawn said to the twins.

They both shrugged. "You still have mom, Dave and that baby she's carrying," Sky said.

Ouch. That kinda stung. Hearing my daughter referring to her unborn sibling like some non-living thing.

"Sky is right mom. We can do whatever you wanted us to do some other time. Plus, we barely spend time with dad," Sam said.

Shawn sighed. "You could have at least gave us a heads up," Shawn said.

Sam nodded her head. "Understandable," she said. "Heads up! We gone," she said putting up a 'peace' sign and she left.

"See y'all later," Sky said trailing behind her.

I bit my bottom lip, desperately fighting back tears.

"Damn. I'm sure glad I ain't you right now. Imma make sure they be back at school on Monday. Don't stress yourselves because imma pick them up too," Omari said. "Your own kids cancelled on you. That must be sad," he smiled smugly.

"I think you've over stayed your welcome. Its time to go," Shawn said giving Omari a death glare.

Omari bitterly chuckled. "Whatever man. I'm out," Omari said as he left.

Shawn closed the door and turned to me.

"You aight Bey?" He asked as he rubbed my back.

"Yah. You can go to the office," I said lowly as I walked away.


Dad got in the car with us. "Where are we going dad?" I asked with a huge smile on my face.

He turned to me with a smile on his face. "Cruise," he said.

Sam and I squealed in excitement. "I've always wanted to go on a cruise," Sam said.

"That's the only way I know how to treat my only daughters. I've missed you guys so much," dad said.

As much as this man mostly bail on us, he sure does spoil us the moment he's here.

"How long are we gonna be there?" I asked.

"We are going there now and we'll be back around 1:30 p.m. on Monday," he said casually as he started the car.

My eyes went wide. "We are gonna miss school? Mom will be mad if she finds out," I said.

Dad sucked his teeth. "What your mom doesn't know won't hurt her. Plus, I've really missed you guys. Work has got me all over the place so I just wanna spend quality time with you guys," he said.

I guess he's right. I did miss him and spending time with him.

I'LL SHOW YOUDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora