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Beyonce POV

... "Omari?" I said as I looked at him up and down.

I must be dreaming.

"Umm," was all he could manage to say.

I looked at Navia and she looked like she has just seen a ghost.

I looked at Isabella. "Are these your parents?" I asked.

"Yes ma'am," she said smiling. "My dad spoils me a lot. We do everything together."

"Hold up Isabella. That's also my father," Sky said with a confused look.

"Hey daddy," Sam said going to hug Omari but he didn't hug her back. "I thought you said you were on a business trip. What are you doing here?" she said letting him go.

I watched Omari trying to say something. "Dad wasn't on any business trip. As a matter of fact, he hasn't been to one in two months," Isabella said.

The hell! I can tolerate it if Omari lies to me but lying to his own children, that's just wrong.

"Omari, are you and Navia married?" I asked.

He rubbed his temples. "Yes. We are married."

I looked at Omari then at Isabella.

"Isabella, how long has Omari been your father?" I asked.

She gave me a perplexed look. "What do you mean Mrs Carter? I guess I'll say he has been my father since conception since he's my biological father," she said shrugging.

My jaw immediately dropped to the ground.

What am I hearing?

"Is this true Navia?" I said looking at her.

"Yes," she said lowly.

Right now I don't know what to feel. I don't know what's the perfect reaction to this situation.

"So we are sisters?" The twins said in unison, obviously shocked.

I slightly chuckled. "Since Isabella is sixteen and the twins were born two years after Omari and I got married. This means, a year into our marriage Navia and Omari..." I paused realising I was thinking out loud.

"That's right. We have a child together so what? Ain't nothing you can do. She was the one I was seeing when we were still married and she knew it. What are you gonna do? Exactly. Remember when you said you saw me with another woman back when we were married? It was Navia. Remember when you read those text messages? That was also Navia. What are you gonna do Bey? Nothing. I never loved you. I was just using you," Omari said smirking evilly.

I could feel my blood boil and my blood pressure rising by the second.

"You were using my wife?" Shawn spat.

"Yes dummy. Weren't you listening?" Omari said casually. "I'm so glad she had that miscarriage otherwise I would have to pay a whole lot more on child support."

"You son of a-" I paused when I felt my stomach hurting. I took a deep breath to calm myself down.

Omari sucked his teeth. "You are pathetic Beyo-" he was cut mid sentence by Shawn punching him in the face.

Shawn kicked him a few times then he backed away. Omari stood up and composed himself.

"Don't you ever utter my wife's name ever again!" Shawn spat.

Omari just chuckled. "Whether you wanna hear it or not, imma be straight up honest here. I was just using Beyonce. I had someone working in her company smuggle some money out of her company's account and put it in mine. I made sure to put it in an untraceable account then I stopped when we got divorced and the person I worked with resigned. I would use the money to spoil my lovely ladies here," he said smiling.

"Daddy, tell me you're joking," Isabella said with watery eyes.

Omari turned to her. "I did it for you baby girl. You my one and only. I love you," he said and he kissed her forehead.

I've always wondered what happened to the money. What Omari did almost left me bankrupt. Shortly after the divorce, money stopped disappearing in the company.

"What about us dad? Aren't we your baby girls?" Sky said.

Omari looked at Sam and Sky. "You guys are aight but Isabella will always remain my favourite. You guys are there but you ain't my favourites. I still love you two but you ain't my favourites," he said casually.

I may not be an expert at parenting but I know what he said should never be said to your children.

"What is wrong with you Omari?!" I yelled. At this point I don't give a damn who hears. "These are your children! You can't say that to your own children!"

"I've always been told that the truth shall set you free. I can confidently say I'm finally a free man. My wife, my daughter and I can finally live our lives freely," Omari said.

"How could you stoop so low?! You are such-...Ah ssssss," I hissed as I felt the pain intensify and I clutched my belly.

Shawn guided me to the picnic table and sat me down.

"Goodbye and good riddance to you Bey," Omari said as I winced in pain. "I'll see you later my babies," he said to the twins and he left.

"Shawn I think you should take me to the hosp-...Aaaaah! It hurts!" I screamed as I hunched over, hugging my belly. The pain was getting worse by the second.


This is one of those moments where you wish you can just wake up and be glad that you were having a nightmare. A lot of stuff were revealed and said which I now wish I haven't heard.

What the fuck did I do for dad to say those hurtful words? All I ever did was come into this world. I never asked anything from him, all I ever wanted was to be loved by him.

What more does he want? I'm well behaved and I do well at school. What does Isabella have that I don't?

"Okay Bey. Your blood pressure is now stable and we'll be monitoring you over night," aunt Kelly said as she wrote something down.

"Is mommy gonna be alright auntie?" I said.

"She'll be fine but to make sure we'll keep her overnight and when she gets home she'll be on bed rest for two months," aunt Kelly said.

"Two months!" Mom said shocked and the machines started beeping.

Aunt Kelly shot mom a quick glare. "Beyonce. Calm down otherwise the baby's gonna be in danger again," she said and mom took a couple of deep breaths.

Well, this day took a turn for the worst.

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