Chapter 6

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Jungkook Pov

I made it to the cafe, and decided to order some, banana milk while waiting.

A couple minutes later, I felt a tap on my shoulder, and when I turned around I was hit with the most adorable, cute ass sight ever.

Taehyung had on a blue jacket, and some black jeans, which fitted him nicely.

And to say that I was distracted was an understand meant, I mean who wouldn't be.

I was snap out of my thoughts, when I heard my name.

"Jeon, Jungkook!"

Taehyung Pov


After I said that, there was still no response, but I just looked at him, and I noticed his eyes was looking at me intensely.

I blush at the thought of jungkook, checking me out, that I decided to try saying his name again.

"Jeon Jungkook!"

I said, and this time, I got a response, he looked up at me, and we just stared at each other.

Jungkook Pov

When taehyung had called me, I looked at him, and I realized he was wearing makeup.

Without thinking, I stand up and I was taller than him, him being 5'3 and me being 6'0.

I reached my hand to his face, and lightly touched it.

"You look pretty with make up on"

I said, meaningfully

"Thank you"

"But your evening more beautiful with out it".

I could tell that, the way he was blushing, he was to shy to speak. So I did the talking.

"Come on, don't we got a fair to go too"

I said pulling him with me, to my car.

"Is this your car kookie"

He said looking at me, while I opened the door for him, and buckling him up.

"Yes, it is beautiful"

Taehyung Pov

Jungkook keeps on making me blush, than usual and I'm turning into a tomato by the second.

This was supposed to be a hang out, consider I had only met him this morning, but it feels like a date, and I'm back in highschool with, my crush.

I mean, this is not a fanfiction where, me and jungkook are the main characters right?.

(A/N: yes, yes it is)

It's just to good to be true. But I was cut off from my train of thoughts when jungkook started the car, and started driving.

I looked out the window, but than something clicked in my head, me and jungkook barely know each other. But yet I feel comfortable around him.

So I decided to ask him some questions.

"Hey jungkook"


"I just realized we don't know each other, so let's play a game, until we get to the fair"

"Ok tae, what's the rules"

"It's simple actually, 20 questions each, and in those 20 questions, we can only Skip 1 question, after, that 1 question, we have to answer all 19 of them, if we do Skip 1 question, ok, and 1 question, pure time"

"Ok, fine by me, you go first than"

" Ok so, how old are you?"


"How old are you?"


"What's your favorite color?"


"Do you have any siblings?"

"Nope, only child"

"Do you have any siblings"

"Yes, 1 older brother"

"How many times have you dyed your hair?"

"3 times, orange, blond, and now blue"

"Are you married?"


"So you mean your not married and your single, wait you could still have a girlfriend or boyfriend, wait do you"

I ask

"I thought you said 1 question at a time,"

Damn he's right


I said pouting.

To be continue

Crazy Rich Asians (TaeKook)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat