Chapter 24

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Taehyung Pov

It was night, the stars were out and shining. I was laid back outside in the back yard. Today was very interesting for me.

To know that a person just can assume things without even trying to get to know someone. It broke my heart

"Tae! Its time for food!"

I hear my mom calling for me 10 minutes later


I started getting up dusting off my pants. And walked inside


"So how was work"

My mom asked me

"Its was interesting, just like every other day mom"

I said

"Well what about you boss, did he tell you his feelings?"

My dad said this time

"He did actually, but he haven't asked me to be his ya know yet"

I said, in a calm matter.

"Oh well, before that happens let us meet the man, to see if he's decent"

My mom said

"I'll talk to him about it"

I said, finishing the last of my food, and excusing myself.

"I'm done I will wash up and head to bed. Also I'm not going to work tomorrow, so let's do something fun together ok"

I said hugging them both with a kiss on their foreheads.

"Alright bae, goodnight tae!"


That night I ignore Jungkook calls and text messages

I'm sorry for the short chapter, but its all my mind can come up with!

Also I'm leaving the country in a couple of days, around the 1st of November. The place I'm going is not like America. They don't have WiFi Like I do over here. But its only for some weeks so no biggie.

I will try to update if I can. I'm using my old phone right now since, Jordan broke my X, so boo hoo

But I gotta say, if it was 2016 this 6s plus comes in handy😂.

Anyways that all I want to say!

Bye. And support me on my YouTube Channel

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