Chapter 3

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Jungkook Pov

Kim Taehyung..

Ever since, that encounter with him, this morning. I can't help but keep him in my mind.

It's lunch time, and Jin is suppose to come and give me my afternoon meetings.

Knock knock

As I was in deep thought, I heard the door being knock on.

"Come in", I said.

"Sir this is your, schedule for the rest of the day, you have 1 meeting at 2:00pm, and then you can relax for the day"

Jin said to me while giving my schedule and explaining what I have to get done.

"Thanks hyung, how was the check up" I ask wanted to know if my niece is all healthy.

"Really good actually, oh and since I'm hitting, 6 months next Friday, I will be on temporary leave, namjoons order".

Jin said to me, knowing that his husband Namjoon, my brother, will obviously won't let him work, once he becomes 6 months.

"I'm fine with it, I will be looking for someone temporary to take over your place until, my unborn niece is born" I said, can't waiting to see my niece.

My mind then travel to Taehyung again. Imma ask Jin about him.

"Hyung do you know that boy who works at the cafe"

"Do you mean, taehyung?"


"Yeah I know him, he's jiminine best friend and also yoongi's cousin"

"Wait really?" I asked shock that Yoongi is my best friend and Jimin is also my employee and also my best friend.

And to know that, they haven't even mention or showed me him onces.

Taehyung Pov

Jungkook have been on my mind, ever since we met this morning.

I looked at the number he gave me, and decided to text him.

[A/N: Taehyung, jungkook]


Um who's this.
Im sorry I was lost on who this was, on the contact name I said unknown so, I was confused sorry.
Its ok if you're confused then just change the contact name.
Right ok then, and you do the same ok.
Ok kookie


(A/N: sorry i would've updated early but Wattpad is being an totally bitch.
To be continue

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