
Despite their antics on his first day back, Jimin and Yoongi were very well at keeping things professional at work. They didn't stare longingly at each other, or sneak kisses when nobody was watching. There was of course the odd time when Yoongi would kiss his cheek when he him his coffee, or when he'd kiss his forehead when he was getting ready to leave but Yoongi didn't pretend to try to get the younger on his desk naked. It proved to Jimin that Yoongi wasn't just using him for sex. He valued the younger's work ethic and kept their pda secret and to a minimal. However it didn't stop the thoughts that ran through Yoongi's mind as he worked throughout the day. There were plenty of times when he thought about fucking Jimin senseless in the bathroom stalls or on his desk. Or even dragging him down to the car lot and fucking him in the back seat of his car. And Jimin would be lying if he said he wouldn't say yes if Yoongi asked him. But the two wouldn't admit. They stuck to being professional in the work place.

But outside, when they were both home, it didn't stop them from calling each other for hours. It was like Yoongi knew the exact moment when he walked through his door because he was calling him up because he missed the sound of his voice. It sounded really cheesy coming from Yoongi but it was still cute regardless.

They would stay on the phone with each other until one of their phone's would die and the moment it was placed on charger they were calling back to finish their conversation. It was a never ending cycling of communication. Of course, there were moments when they couldn't call. Jimin still had a nightly job and Wednesday and Thursday night they didn't get to call for very long. Yoongi joked that maybe he would show up at the club and book a private show. Jimin told him he didn't oppose to the idea, but then reminds him that if he wanted a show, all he had to do was ask.

"You don't have to come to the club," Jimin said to him over the phone while getting ready for work. "If you want a show, all you have to do is ask,"

"Is that so?"

"Yes. I'll give you something worth while to watch," He teased. He heard Yoongi run into something and groan quietly under his breath.

"Jesus Jimin, you really know how to get me going, don't you?"

"It's a gift,"

"You're irresistible,"

"You love it,"


True to his word, Seo-Ah showed up at Jimin's house early Friday morning, before he went into work, with a suit in hand. Jimin felt his cheeks heating up in the process. He really didn't see the need for Yoongi to spend money on him, but had insisted that he let him. He thanked her for the suit, bid her goodbye and carried it up to his apartment. He would have to look at it later when Rayne came by. They were going to dye their hair tonight and then she'd sleep over and they'd spend the day getting ready for the dinner. Hoseok was not invited much to his dismay.

Jimin did his best to stay focused throughout the morning as he ran around collecting things from Namjoon and Hoseok, and helping Kimi with minute phone calls, but part of his was unfocused. He was nervous about tomorrow. He'd already expressed his concerns to Rayne, but he was afraid to speak to Yoongi about it. Unfortunately he couldn't hide anything from him because Yoongi was incredibly observant when it came to him and knew the minute he stepped inside his office with his coffee that something was up.

Yoongi took the coffee from him and set it down on the table. He then moved to sit on the couch and motioned for Jimin to come sit on his lap. Jimin locked the door to the office first before doing as Yoongi asked, straddling the older's waist. Yoongi studied Jimin's face. "What's wrong?"

"I'm nervous about tomorrow," he explained, not trying to hide anything. "I just...I don't know what I'm afraid of, but I'm nervous."

"You don't have to come if you're uncomfortable Jimin,"

"No I want to be there. I wanna spend time with you I just don't want people to talk bad about you for being with me," Jimin expressed.

"Hey," Yoongi whispered, sitting up and wrapping his arms around Jimin securely. He bumped his nose with his and kissed him. "You're mine. I enjoy being with you. I love having you around. And if people wanna talk that's there problem because I'm not gonna up and leave you,"

"Are you not afraid of people talking?"

"People have been talking about me since the moment I made it big. There isn't anything they can say to hurt me."

cute and simple + I'll probably update later. love you all!

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