5: Home

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Anna peers over me, her brown eyes wide and bright, "Kells? You okay?" she asks so innocently. The fact that I am laying on the kitchen's white tiled floor with a small, empty tub of Ben and Jerry's just out of reach from my fingertips should make it crystal clear that I was, in fact, not okay, but Anna asked the question anyways.

My green eyes slice into hers, "What do you think?" I asked, my voice sharp.

She jolts back, "Whoa, you looked like Phantom for a second," she gasps. I turn my head in my arms, staring at the tile floor.

"She's been here for over a half an hour," one of the cooks say. I don't know all of their names since the Hendersons switch cooks each month or whenever they want.

"How many Ben & Jerry's?" Anna inquired, her sock covered toe nudging my side.

"Just one, but she begged for more," the cook answered with a small laugh.

"Okay, she is definitely not okay. I'll get her downstairs, you can go back to whatever you were doing before," she tells the cook.

Her arms wrap around my middle and she heaves me up. I lean heavily against her, not wanting to walk or even stand.

I am dragged to the stairs before Anna threatens my life, "Either you walk downstairs by yourself or I push you down."

Since it was life or death, I choose to walk down the stairs by myself, listening to Anna's soft panting from carrying me. I wasn't that heavy for her to be panting so dang hard.

"You suck Capri Suns," Anna drops into the couch, pulling me next to her.

"I can live with that," I retort.

"What happened? You left me at school do work on math, making me do my own homework by myself, and then come home but die in the kitchen. Why?"

I ponder whether or not to tell Anna the truth, that I was trying to get Phantom's attention and utterly failed at it. "Mmmm, do I have to answer that question? Cuz, I really don't feel like it."

She huffs angrily as I stuff a pillow to my face. Anna doesn't need to know why I am a blob of Jell-O because then it would involve why I wanted to meet Phantom. The last thing I need Anna to think was we had a romantic rendezvous or something equally horrific. Heaven forbid!

"We were talking in English today that pineapple juice works great before getting wisdom teeth out. I wish we had known that. Pineapple juice is supposed to help the swelling go down, and I looked like an obese chipmunk!" Anna cries.

I almost laugh at the memory. Almost. Barely holding the laugh in. I was far better off than she was, since we got our wisdom teeth out the same day. Phantom and his gang decided to take the opportunity to set up the Mafia with police weapons, but that was the way life is for superheros. When we aren't there, criminals run rampant. How many times have I put Phantom in jail? At least seventeen. And he had put me in jail four times. Just four since it was a 'bother' to him.

"You're a cute chipmunk," I state. It's true, when Anigirl ever chooses to be a chipmunk, which is twice in her lifetime. I may have teased her too much about it, and she refused to change into a chipmunk ever since. If needed, Anigirl changes into a squirrel or another animal that can get up a tree trunk.

Anna frowns, remembering my taunts. "Seriously? I thought we were over this, you really hurt my feelings." Her lips part into a pout, which looks cute one her. She is a totally girly girl, master of the duck face in her selfies, and always surrounded by people at lunch that she doesn't even know the names of. One could say that she was the most popular person at school. On the other hand, there was me. I was the type of girl who are in the library, avoided any social interactions of every kind, and focused on schoolwork.

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