8: Phantom's Lair II

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A/N: The spacing is so weird on this chapter. I'm sorry.

I tense up, and our eyes lock. Mine are wide with fear, because if Surpass has been keeping in touch with my mother, then that would mean...

Kelsey Jerrs was never safe. My life isn't safe. Anna's family is in danger.

I repeat the synonym for crap that Phantom used. A side of his mouth twitches up for less that a nanosecond. Our minds whirl at a million miles an hour and they cannot slow down as we figure out all the possible reasons and all the possible plans that Maine could brew up with Surpass. There are too many. My breaths come in short gasps as the variables overload my brain.

Phantom's eyes soften as they keep gazing back at me. I look at the ground between my knees as I pant.

How long have they been planning? How intricate is the scheme? How terrified should I be right now? When will the plan become actions rather than words? When? Where? Why? How?

Phantom suddenly takes my chin in his hand and tilts it up. My lips part as I struggle for oxygen, my body begins to shake. Those unforgiving green eyes take me in, and suddenly my body presses against his. My ear is to his chest and I can hear his steady heartbeat.

Is this a panic attack? I've only read about them. One other time, Phantom gave me a panic attack. He kissed me, and I was fine. I didn't want him to kiss me again! I had to get myself under control. He's the villain, not my hero!

I try to keep my undeady breathing untraceable from his notice-if Phantom already didn't notice. But I know he has noticed already, but he just wants to see how everything plays out before he stepped in during the last possible second.

We are both waiting for that last second. I didn't want it to come, and Phantom was patiently waiting for it, the corners of his mouth twitching up.

"Chaos? Are you okay?" he asks, knowing full well what is happening because it's happened before. "Don't tell me... you're having a panic attack?Information overload, you're numerical brain can't handle too many 'what ifs' so it is freaking out. We've been on this road before, so I have just the remedy..." Phantom tilts his face towards mine extremely slowly. Taking his time.

Those eyes pierce mine and I stop breathing as his breath fans across my lips. I can taste the mint, how does he always have minty breath? He holds the position, and then an evil laugh escapes his lips.

"Mwah," he kisses my forehead and I freeze with shock.

"All better. Doctor Phantom fixed you all up. Know you can breathe, and I didn't have to kiss you- thank the heavens," he puts his gloved hands together like a prayer, and looks up the ceiling.

"What?" I ask, my brain unable to keep up.

He gives me an annoyed look, "Did you hear 'make out session' in my grand plan before? Because that happens after you accept my glorious offer of training. And of course, after you stop hurting so bad that you sleep right after training... Semantics," Phantom sticks his tongue out at me.

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