28: Ridgeway

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A/N: Change of tense= on purpose

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A/N: Change of tense= on purpose. More like a flashback now... you'll see why soon but don't comment about it. I know what I have done and it is for a reason.<3 (no it's not 'all is just a dream' crap people pull.)

It is an experience, working with heroes and villains. One would say that sometimes joining forces in order to wipe out a common enemy for the greater good would be like it happens in the movies: everyone somehow reads each other's minds, knowing exactly what villains the hero needs to team up with to have the best combo attacks. 

It doesn't work like that at all. In fact, I think the chaos of the situation made it a million times harder for me to take out the Doctor. Villains were fighting each other, and the few heroes rounded up were trying to pull the villains off one another, only getting into the crossfire themselves. There were people dressed in orange prison jumpsuits that were the Doctor's pawns. 

Phantom took my hand with Rush and turned us intangible, running through the madness to our goal. We ran up the stairs of the warehouse. What is up with villains and warehouses? When I asked Phantom that he told me in a not-so nice way to shut my mouth. My breath came in short gasps as we ran up and up to the top floor. 

"Are you sure he's gon' be at the top?" Rush inquired.

Phantom just told him to shut up. I pouted because he told me to shut my trap in a most ungentlemanly of ways yet to Rush it was just a 'shut up' muttered under his breath. I had to focus as a giant something that wasn't even close to human crashed into the wall and ran right through us. My heart started since I wasn't paying attention. 

"KELSEY!" I heard a screech. 

My ears rang and I broke free of Phantom's gloved grasp and sprinted towards the sound.

"Chaos! That's Doctor's power! Don't listen!" Rush yelled.

"Kelsey help me! It hurts!" Anna's voice screamed.

My heart was ripped apart by its seams. What would he be doing to her? My mind wandered into the darkest pit my childhood created. 

"Anna!" I screamed. "I'm here!" 

Something slammed into me with such force I wasn't ready for the impact. My body slammed against the brick wall. I heaved for air as I collapsed on the dirty ground. 

"Hello Miss Jerrs. It is about time I meet the girl who has caught my nephew's heart. I must say, you're prettier than I expected even if blood runs down your face," a deep voice laughed. I heard the tap of expensive shoes against the concrete ground come towards me. 

"Do you want to know what I have done to your friend?" he asked when he stood in front of me. His hair was salt and peppered, gelled back into a style. He wore a suit underneath a lab coat. His eyes were bright blue and I could see where Phantom got his looks. 

"Your mother is on the floor above us, hanging out with whatever is left of your BFF. I hope you don't mind but I just wanted to meet you. I guess you intrigued my curiosity enough for me to become somewhat impatient. Aren't you the smart one out of the two? Surely you should have been more on guard. You know what scholars chime, expect the unexpected."

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