*3: Henderson Home

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Last night I was doing Pre Calc homework, working with notation crap, outside Mr. and Mrs. Hederson's room in their little 'waiting area' with a front room set of plushy couches, and a coffee table. Nobody was home except for me and Anna- my partner in crime (sometimes literally) who was in our 'secret lair' of the house's basement supposedly working on her vocabulary flash cards. Right after school, we worked on her math, so at least that was already finished. But while I was dozing in between intricate math problems in the silence when I heard Anna shriek so loudly, even I could hear it.

I started, standing up so fast, that the text book and papers fell on my feet, making me cry out in pain. That textbook was heavy!

I limped down the spiral staircase down to the basement, where Anna was running and Superman-ed face first on the couch.

Raising an eyebrow I asked, "Anna, I know this is a basement, but the couch is not first base so what happened?"

She laughed, "Stop being so weird, saying stuff like that. Does the basement look like a baseball diamond?"

That retort made me smile widely, "I don't know, you're the one sliding around."

"Suck it!" she hissed. I knew that she wouldn't answer my question about what happened, because of her sour attitude. Anna never has a sour attitude unless it was the last week of the month when her period started and she had major cramps.

"O...kay? Who peed in your Cheerios?" I stuck out my tongue at her and slowly backed away.

"KELSEY IMMA KIIIIILLL YOU!" she literally roared at me.

I placed a hand over my heart and took a deep breath like I had gotten impaled, "Ohmawerd! Someone save me from Anna's animalistic wrath! I swear I didn't tinkle in her Cheerios! Anna doesn't even like Cheerios!" I cried while grasping the staircase and running up it.

I stopped when I realized that she wasn't following me.

Only later did Anna tell me that Phantom was in the basement, and he popped out of nowhere which was why she screamed. Apparently, he was just 'checking up on pretty ladies' which was a lie. He probably couldn't handle being invisible for any longer, which only happened to Phantom once every... oh, every five years or so. But to me, it happened all the flippin' time.

Now I was sleeping in my English class when we were supposed to read a chapter of the class's book that I had previously read. The academy, with an obscure name of someone who had a seriously strange spelling to their last name, required a uniform with a long black skirt that wasn't pleated- thank goodness, and a white button down shirt with a gray vest or coat. Vests make my armpits hurt, so I gave all of mine to Anna, who says that sweater vests make her look smarter in a non-nerd related way... whatever that meant.

"Nice of you to join room 410, Miss Jerrs," the teacher looked over her half moon glasses at me.

"Ah, sorry," I apologized, hurrying to open the book as fast as possible and pretending to read it.

"King Macbeth is insane!" a girl stage whispered next to me, looking at the other girl on the other side of me. Great, every day these two girls talk while I am stuck between them. Talk about boring.

"I know! He kind of reminds me of one of your boyfriends. Remember John?" Girl 2 asked.

Girl 1 gasped, "Oh my, yeah! Yeah, he's totally Macbeth crazy!"

Honey, you do not understand the play if you think King Macbeth is like your boyfriend, I want to jump in, but I didn't.

"And his wife is like Marley Fern!" Girl 1 added. Who on earth was Marley Fern? Was she manipulative and greedy?

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