Chapter Twenty-Four

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Two Weeks Later...
Blacksand was curled up among the reeds of the riverbank. It was a beautiful spring day, one where the sun was shining and the sky was blue and cloudless.
She sat up a bit, glaring past the sun's golden rays. She was supposed to be keeping watch...
After Desert Flower's "visit" and her threat of war, the dragonets escaped to yet another island off the edge of the Kingdom Of The Sea.
Koi had returned to the his kingdom and Queen Coral was now Ex-Queen Coral. She was having a good prison.
Tsunami had taken over, and even though it didn't seem possible, she became more bossy. Firefly and Arena had stayed with her. Arena was now Firefly's twenty-four-hour-a-day-bodyguard. Firefly didn't seem to be that annoyed be it, even though she claimed to be.
Firefly was going to stay in til it was safe to go back to the rainforest. Queen Tsunami was working out the laws with the other Queens. Desert Flower has gone missing, gone from her kingdom for over two weeks. Sunny was now helping the tribe, though she still refused to be "Queen".
Hourglass had gone back with Koi. Blacksand sighed, they were probably being pampered in the palace while she was here, laying in the mad, keeping watch for psycho Queens who wanted to kill her.
She gave up and trotted back to camp. It was a small hut that Koi had made them before he left. He also made a small fruit tree in the small clearing, now Firefly could actually eat something without complaining.
Firefly was laying in the middle of the clearing, spreading her wings. Arena sat on the side of her, glaring at the forest around them.
"Hey Blacksand!"Firefly called, standing up.
Arena swatted her down. "You need to stay in the sun! It helps RainWings, doesn't it?".
Firefly rolled her eyes. "Yes. I've been laying here for a while now, I'm fine".
Arena frowned. "It helps RainWings be happier, someone here sure needs that".
Firefly snarled at her and came over to greet Blacksand.
Arena checked her talons. "Also, Koi and Hourglass are here to see you. They said they someone who may have the solution to the whole hybrid problem".
Firefly jumped up. "That was supposed to be a surprise!".
"I just told her!".
Blacksand straightened up. "Their here?! Where?!".
Firefly snorted. "The North Beach. Be careful, their probably swimming".
Arena leaned forward. "Oo, is someone excited to see their boyfriend?".
Blacksand wrinkles her snout. "Shut up! I'll be back in a little bit. Firefly, keep Arena out of trouble please!".
Arena snorted while Firefly nodded.
Happily, Blacksand slipped through the forest to The North Beach. I can't believe they actually came to see us! Did I think they would forget about us? Maybe....But their back, that's all that matters right now!
Blacksand tumbled onto the sand on the beach. She immediately recognized Koi's bright green scales and Hourglass's blue-purple scales.
"Hi!" She cried, wrapping her wings around Koi.
He jump then realized it was her and hugged her back. They stayed that way for a long moment.
Hourglass cleared her throat. "Are you happy to see me or.....?".
Blacksand laughed and pulled away from Koi. "Of course!". She hugged Hourglass. "So, how's everything? How's Tsunami as Queen?".
Koi shrugged. "She's pretty good. She's gotten even more bossy but she's been working hard to get the hybrids back in the kingdom".
Hourglass nodded. "The other Queens are scared too, turns out Desert Flower was threatening them".
" said you may of found a solution?".
Hourglass nodded while Koi pointed to the sky. "Uh...I think we some company".
Blacksand and Hourglass looked at each other and glanced up. Speaking of the solution, here comes the problem...

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