Chapter Eighteen

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One month later...

Blacksand looked down at the crashing waves besides her. They had spent a month on the island, everyday it started to feel smaller. Koi refused to use his magic anymore, even for food. Blacksand and Arena hunted small lizards and other insects that roamed the small forest. Firefly didn't mind the lizards but complained that Koi wouldn't make her fruit. Hourglass and Koi ate the fish they caught on the beach and from the streams.
She snapped out of her thoughts as she heard a twig snap behind her. She spun around to see Koi. "Three moons! Why are you always sneaking up on me like that?".
Koi lifted his chin. "It's not my fault SeaWings walk quiet unlike some dragons".
Hourglass appeared behind him. "Stop being so....Firefly".
Hourglass nodded. "Whenever someone's being annoying or mean, just call them a Firefly. That basically is what she is".
Blacksand wrinkled her snout. "Good thing she didn't hear you say that. Speaking of her, Where is she? And Arena?".
Koi snorted. "Back at camp. Arena won't leave Firefly's side. Last night I asked her if she wanted to come hunting and she said if she left Desert Flower would come get her".
Hourglass laughed. "It's gonna be hard leaving them when have to go back to The Kingdom Of The Sea".
Blacksand tilted her head. "Your leaving?!Please don't go!".
"We can't live on island forever" Koi pointed out. "Besides, we could just go to Jade Mountain Academy".
Hourglass nodded. "A cave full of actual prey sounds good right now".
"Er, speaking of plans and stuff. What are we going to do about Desert Flower?".
Hourglass shrugged. "Koi could just enchant something to kill her".
Blacksand shrank back. "Could we somehow spy on her?".
"Fine. Um, us Desert Flower right now".
A small image of Desert Flower popped up. She was in the palace. A familiar dragon stood in front of her...
Blacksand gasped. "That's Cactus! That's my mother!".
Koi shushed her. "Just listen!".
Desert Flower stepped forward. "Why did you take the dragonet? My dragonet?".
Hourglass widened her eyes. "I feel bad for whoever has her as a mother".
"She has a dragonet? Cactus took it? But I never saw another dragonet....".
(Hm, I wonder why, Blacksand. I WONDER WHY!!!)
Koi shushed her again.
Cactus glared up at her. "I was doing you a favor. I know you couldn't take care of one! And this just proves me right, you killing out your dragons just because their hybrids! She'll never be safe as long as your Queen".
Desert Flower blinked at her. "So, you much know much about her, since you raised her and all. What is she like?".
Cactus stepped forward. "Her name is-".
Suddenly, the guards came forward and pinned her to the ground. She spat and fought but they held her down. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! IM THE QUEEN'S FRIEND! DESERT FLOWER, HELP ME!".
The Queen flicked her tongue. "That's Queen Desert Flower to you". She made a cutting motion to the guards.
One nodded and passed a sharp spear to the one closest to her throat. Cactus fought back. "You can't do this! I have a dragonet! I need to find her, please-".
And just like that, she was dead.

Wings Of Fire:Fallen Kingdom - Book 1 (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now