Chapter Four

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Koi widened his eyes and looked at the dragons around him. Riptide was rubbing the spot where the coconut had hit with Tsunami putting her wing around him. Princess Hourglass was on Tsunami's other side, almost looking jealous.
"I'm a animus?".
Turtle flew down and landed with a thud besides him. "That's the only way to explain flying coconuts". He brushed his wing on his brother's shoulder. "Hey, it will be okay".
Koi tried to nod and turned to his mother. She blinked thoughtfully at him. "Well, I guess I have a talent for hatching dragonets with special powers" She chuckled.
Hourglass stood up. "That's isn't fair! I wanted to be a animus!".
Tsunami hit her with her wing. "Be glad you aren't!".
Queen Coral cleared her throat. "Koi, you will begin training with Turtle immediately".
Anemone peered over the balcony railing. "To help control your powers. You would be surprised how easy it is to force a dragon to clean for you". (*cough cough* MOON *cough cough*)
Turtle nodded. "I'll help you make a bracelet to protect your soul". He put his wing around Koi and herded him into the palace.
They reached Turtle's bedroom and walked in. He quickly grabbed a small chest from a shelf and set it down on his desk.
"This is full of jewelry, pick something and I can help you enchant it to protect your soul".
Koi nodded and looked at the rows of bracelets and earrings. He decided for a small dark blue earring. "This".
Turtle nodded. "Nice choice! Now, I'm gonna try to remember the spell me and Anemone did".
"Will it hurt?"he asked suddenly.
"The spell? No" Turtle said, turning back to him. "I enchant this earring so whenever it is on Koi, it will protect his soul no matter how much he uses his animus music".
Koi blinked down, the earring looked the same.
Turtle let out a laugh. "What did you expect, a puff of smoke?".
Koi tilted his head. "Well, maybe".
"Go ahead, put it on".
Koi nodded and slipped the earring on through the hole in his left ear. He felt nothing different.
Suddenly, his ear felt as if it was on fire. He roared in pain and stumbled forward.
Turtle shrank back. "What's wrong?!".
The earring slipped off his ear and landed in a smoking pile on the floor. It quickly turned to a pile of ash.
Koi widened his eyes and turned to Turtle. "How? Did you cast another spell on it?!".
Turtle widened his eyes. "No. Koi, I think your magic is too strong".

Wings Of Fire:Fallen Kingdom - Book 1 (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now