Chapter Twenty-One

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What is Koi and Blacksand's ship name? ;-;
Also, here's a quarantine meme for ya
Oki, here's the chapter XD

Koi awoke to the a warmth by his side. He opened his eyes, startled. He blinked and realized it was only Blacksand. He smiled down at her and he was about put his head down when he heard a snicker...
He spun around to see Arena peeking her head it the window of the hut.
Firefly popped her head out the window. "Hey! Don't yell at her!".
Arena swatted her away. "I'm the one who does the protecting!".
Firefly scowled. "I wouldn't put it that way, more like annoying me".
Koi took the moment to shift away from Blacksand. She quickly opened her eyes and turned over. "Koi? What's-".
She widened her eyes when she looked at him then Arena and Firefly laughing. "Three moons! Did we fall asleep together?!".
Firefly nodded and Arena fell to the floor laughing. "At first we thought something had happened to you! Then we looked out and you were there and-". She started laughing to hard to understand.
Blacksand glared at her. "You and Firefly did the same thing!".
Arena looked at Firefly. "It's called protecting, mind you".
Firefly snorted. "Your getting worse then my dad! And he was so bad my mom said he used to carry around my egg!".
Arena rolled her eyes. "Oh please!".
Firefly opened her mouth to make a remark then looked the window and widened her eyes. "Uh..Koi! B-behind you!".
Koi spun around. A group of SandWings was flying overhead. One pointed at them and the other nodded. With dread, Koi realized Desert Flower had finally found them.
He nudged Blacksand away. "Get in the hut!".
Blacksand shook her head. "I'm staying with you! I'm not letting you get hurt".
"Your loyalty is touching, but I'm not letting you get hurt".
Arena jumped on Firefly, keeping her out of view. The Princess struggled under her. "I'm so telling my mom when I get home!".
Arena bared her teeth. "You can't go home! And the reason why is standing outside the hut, so I need to shut up and let me protect you!".
Firefly opened her mouth then closed. "Fine".
Arena twinned her tail with hers. "Good. Get to the corner of the hut. I'm going outside".
Firefly bit her lip and slipped by the sleeping Hourglass. "Be careful".
"Aw, that's so sweet! You care about me!".
Finally, Desert Flower landed. "A run down island on the edge of the ocean? That's the best you could do?".
Koi snarled. "Leave us! We're not in your kingdom, we have done no harm!".
"Oh sweetie, your sheltering dangerous creatures. That's illegal, and the others agree with me". She opened her wings to reveal the dragons behind her. A RainWing and a NightWing...
"Mom! Dad!" A cry came behind Koi. Firefly rushed out.
Queen Glory looked down at her. "Firefly....".
Arena snarl, flaring her wings to cover Firefly. "Why are you doing this?! Plotting with another Queen to take down your daughter?!".
The Queen shook her head. "I have to....Firefly...".
Firefly shouldered past Arena and ran into her mother's wings.
Queen Glory backed away. "You can't be near me...".
Firefly blinked up at her and then her father. "What?".
Glory glanced at Deathbringer then at Firefly. "I'm so sorry...".
With that, she opened her mouth and venom landed on Firefly's face.

Wings Of Fire:Fallen Kingdom - Book 1 (COMPLETE)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu