Chapter Twenty

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It was the middle of the night. Blacksand couldn't sleep...again.
Ever since she had come to the island, she had trouble sleeping. Tonight was much worse, her mother was dead. The dragon who had raised her was dead. The dragon who had taught her everything she knew was dead...
She sighed and looked around. Firefly was sleeping by one corner. Arena was curled up bedsides her, one of her wings draped over Firefly protectively.
Hourglass was on the other side, snoring softly.
Koi wasn't lying in his usual spot...
She let out a tiny cry. Where was he?!
She sprang to the doorway. Thankfully, he was just outside.
She let a sigh of relief and trotted over to join him.
He raised his head drowsily. "Hey. What are you doing up?".
"What are you doing up? A prince needs his sleep!".
He let out a small laugh. "I'm keeping watch. I can never sleep, pretty much do this every night".
She nodded. "I can never sleep either. I'll join you".
Koi opened his wings, inviting her to lay besides him. She trotted over and laid down. The fire was still going. "Should we put that out? Someone might see it and fly down here...".
Koi shook his head. "No, it's fine. I'll protect you if anyone comes here, don't worry".
Blacksand smiled. "And Arena will protect Firefly".
He nodded. "It will be interesting to see what happens with those two. A annoying dragonet and a even more annoying princess".
She twinned her tail with his. "I miss my mother....".
Koi ducked his head. "Hey, at least she's at peace. Mine is a murderous psychopath".
Blacksand laughed. "True....".
He smiled down at her. Her laugh is cute...
He shook his head. Three moons! Not the time, Koi.
"Er, Are you okay..?".
Koi jumped, realizing she was watching him. "Yes, yes! I'm fineeeeee!".
Totally mentally stable...Oh, I should just shut up!
Blacksand yawned. "I'm tired. Goodnight".
She put her head down, leaning against him.
Soon, he breathing turned soft. She was asleep.
He gently put his wing around her and smiled. Her scales looked so pretty in the moonlight...
Oh! I'm not becoming Arena am I?
He glanced at the hut. No....
He couldn't help but look down at Blacksand again. Hm. I wonder what a SeaWing-SandWing-NightWing dragonet would look- Three moons! What am I thinking? SeaWings like SeaWings, only SeaWings! Only SeaWings...
His gaze trailed back to the pretty SandWing sleeping besides him. But what if one doesn't...?

Wings Of Fire:Fallen Kingdom - Book 1 (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now