Chapter Ten

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Koi let out a gasp and quickly realized Tsunami was still in the room.
She peeked over at him. "Koi?".
Koi snapped his eyes shut, but it was too late.
"I know your awake".
He sighed and sat up. "What do you need?".
She took a step back. "Nothing! I'll be going-".
Koi looked down. "I'm not a monster. Turtle is overreacting".
Hourglass nodded. "Queen Coral is too. She can't send him out of the kingdom!".
Tsunami shook her head. "I'm sorry, Koi. For attacking you, for everything. It's a shame I didn't get to know you very well, but I guess this is goodbye".
Koi shook his head. "Why?".
"I don't know. Everyone thinks your going to go crazy and hurt more dragons".
He bared his teeth. "I didn't hurt them! Turtle stepped on glass and Anemone's talon got jammed in the door. It's not like I attacked him".
She sighed. "This is how it is. I lived my first six years under a mountain. Some dragons still have it way harder then you". She turned to Hourglass. "We have to go now".
Hourglass bowed her head. "Good bye, Koi. I hope you can have a good life away from the palace".
Koi just nodded, turning away. He curled up just as the door slammed and he was locked inside.....again.

A few hours later, Koi was aware of the door opening. Queen Coral entered, two guards stood behind her. She whispered something to one and he stepped forward. He jabbed Koi with the sharp end of a spear. Koi yelped and shot up. "Yes, he's awake".
The other guard stepped forward, and together they jabbed Koi in til he came to stand in front of his mother.
She cleared her throat. "As you may know from your visitors, you are to be banished. It's a shame, Koi. I really liked you".
"Then don't banish me! I swear I'm not going crazy! Turtle said-".
The guard jabbed him. "The Queen is trying to speak!".
"Like I said, it is a pity. Now, why don't we take one last fly together?" The Queen smiled. (Because she totally won't try to murder you
͡° ͜ʖ ͡°  )
Koi couldn't reply as the guards pushed him into the hall. The palace was dark, Koi guessed it was early morning, the sun wasn't even up.
They reached the main entrance and the guards opened the doors. Koi glanced back at the palace, realizing this might be the last time was in here.
He caught a glimpse of Anemone and Auklet. They almost looked sad as the guards pushed him outside. Why are they so sad? I'm just going on a fly....
Queen Coral led the way down to the beach, one of the family's favorite places. She spread her wings and flew up. "We will fly north for a while".
Of course, Koi didn't get to say anything as the guards forced him off the ground. They flew for a while, no one daring to talk.
Queen Coral finally cleared her throat. "Have I told you much about my stories I write?".
Koi shook his head.
"Oh, I'm working on a new one now! It's quite sad actually. Its about a young SeaWing. One day, him and his mother are flying over the ocean and a accident happens. The dragonet falls into the ocean and drowns. But there's a secret, can you guess what it is?".
Koi narrowed his eyes and shook his head. His mother wrote some interesting things....
His mother leaned forward in til her snout was by his ear. "It wasn't a accident".
Koi yelped as the guards grabbed him from behind. They thrust something over his snout, a piece of fabric, to keep him from screaming.
Queen Coral's eyes glinted as she looked down at her son. "Goodbye Koi".
And with that, the guards let go and he was tumbling down towards the ocean.

A/N:Before you say "SEAWINGS CAN SWIM, HE CANT DROWN" he has a gag over his snout so he can't breath. Then, he'll pass out and drown. Is that what happens though? Maybe, maybe not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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