Chapter 9 - Confrontation

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The meeting was over. We all gave our greetings and went over a plan.

What we agreed on with the Vinsmokes was that Pudding would marry their absent son, Vinsmoke Sanji and unify our families. Of course, that's what they thought.

As soon as they left mama's chamber, she started to explain the real plan.

The plan was that Pudding was to seduce Sanji so that he was completely head over heals for her. Not that it would be a problem for her since she is an excellent actress.

On the day of the wedding, she was to kill him with a gun a the altar when he was to pull up her wedding veil. As soon as she killed him, our family will strike into action. They were going to assassinate the Vinsmokes and take all of the their technology of the cloned super soldiers for themselves.

Pretty neat if you think about it. Back in the elemental nations, power was everything. The more powerful they were, the more intimidating they were to the other nations.

Kumo was extremely addicted to power. They were always looking for people with kekkei genkai and use them as breeding cows in order to increase the power in their forces.

After the meeting was over, I headed to my room. Usually I would have one of my big sisters with me so that I wouldn't get lost, but I felt pretty familiar with the castle. Although, sometimes I wish I didn't have to walk. Being pregnant isn't easy. Learned that the hard way.

I wonder what it is. A boy or a girl? What should I name it?

I stop suddenly. I felt something.

There it is again. My baby. It's kicking!

Oh my Kami! My baby is kicking!

I've got to tell my sisters.

I hurry my pace. I may not be running, but I speed up my walking pace. When I turn the corner, I bump into someone.

Vinsmoke Judge

"Oh! My apologies. I didn't see you there." I bow to him and go on my way, but before I can go anywhere, he grabs my arm.

"Um, is there something I can help you with, Judge-san?" I feel his gaze on me, I slowly turn to him.

He is very intimidating. I feel my legs shake.

Not once since I've been have I felt this way. But something about him reminds me about Madara.

No. This isn't Madara. He is long gone in a now dead land.

With this, I'm able to get my act together.

"How is it that you alive and here? You should be dead." He said in a menacing tone. I tug on my arm but it won't budge.

"Let me go. I don't know what you're talking about." I order him but it falls on deaf ears.

"Don't lie to me, Sora. You don't fool me. How did you survive? More importantly, how did you get to big mom? Answer me Sora!" He started to yell and he squeezed my arm tighter.

"Stop! I'm not Sora! Let go of me!" I yelled as I pulled harder. To prove it to him, I released my henge. My skin color is back to it's normal tan and my whisker marks are visible again.

As soon as he notices, his eyes widened. He then let's me go and walks away.

Bastard. He didn't even apologize. I turn back to where I was supposed to go.

I then here running on the hall. I turn back and see Smoothie.

"Naruto! Are you alright!?! I heard you yelling!" She said as she ran to me. She bent down as grabbed me by my shoulders as she started to inspect me.

"Smoothie-nee-san, Amande-nee-san said the Vinsmokes were barbaric. It's true isn't it?"

She looked at me in the eyes and got mad.

"Who was it!?! What did they do!?!Which one of those pests do something to you!?!" She asked one question after another.

"Judge. He pulled me by my arm and started to call me Sora. He said that I was supposed to be dead. I kept saying I didn't know who that was. He didn't believe me so I released my henge and he just walked away. The bastard didn't even apologize. Can you believe that!?!" I explained to her, but I excluded the fact that he reminded me of Madara.

She sighed. "Don't worry. He'll pay for what he's done to you. Remember, the wedding is when we'll kill them. We'll place you as close as possible to him so you can get a good shot at him." She said with a smile. I smiled as well. If he's anything like Madara, I'll take great pleasure in killing him.

"Oh! Nee-san! I just remembered why I was in a hurry!" Smoothie raised a brow when I grabbed one of her hands.

I moved it towards my stomach and at the spot where I felt the kicks.

We wait a second and then it kicks. She smiles.

"Well would you look at that. Quite a strong kicker, I must say. C'mon, we've got to tell everyone else." She said and I hugged her.

At least now I won't be by myself.

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