Chapter 1 - Who is she?

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The world of pirates. Pirates here. Pirates there. Pirates everywhere. In recent years, there has been an increase of pirates. The government calls it the pirate era. 

In this pirate, exist the most powerful of pirates. They are called the 4 emperors of the sea or "Yonko".

They were Shanks, White Beard, Kaido, and Big Mom.

2 years ago in the war at marinford, White beard died and his place was taken by one of his old crew members, Black beard. That still does not change the fact that there are 4 yonko.

Big mom has has one of the best armies in the pirate world. It would have to be because her armies are led by her children. She does not have 5 nor 10. No.

Big mom has a total of 85 children! 39 daughters and 46 sons!

Most of them, she had by pairs, triplets, quadruplets, and one time she had a whole set of decuplets! 

The thing with her children was weird. They came from different fathers and races. They were all insanely powerful. Most were named after some kind of food or something related to food. And any child of Charlotte Lin Lin, Big mom, had to take her last name, not her husband's last name.

In this lovely day, Charlotte Katakuri, Big Mom's second son, was taking a walk through the shores of his home, the whole cake island. 

He is 48 years old and the first born of Big mom's first set of triplets. He has spiky burgundy hair, tall stature, and healthy tan skin. He wears a beige scarf with fur, a black jacket with ripped sleeves and the front opened with black leather gloves, black pants with black belt, and black boots. He is labeled as the most powerful member of the Charlotte family, right after his mother, and is the favorite brother of all of his sisters. He has a bounty of 1 billion berries and is not to be taken lightly.

When he is not with his family, he likes to be by himself and have time for himself. 

The reason he has a scarf around his face is to hide his mouth of sharp teeth and so no one looks at him like a freak.

He keeps this image of power in order for people to fear and not mess with his family like how they did with Brulee, one of his little sisters, when they were younger.

As of now, he is taking a break from all his responsibilities and family.

Sure, he is loyal and loves his family, but sometimes he needs a break. 

As he walks through the forrest near the shores, he takes a deep breath an sighs. Being the most powerful in the family brings a great weight on his shoulders. Everyone expects him to be perfect, powerful, and invincible. But he knows it's not true. But if it meant his family won't be messed with, he will keep the facade up. 

Taking in the scenery, he begins to sit down wis his back to a tree. He allows himself to relax... and then suddenly he sees something falling with his observation haki.

His observation haki is so strong, it allows him to see a few glimpses into the future, but only the things that are supposed to happen a few seconds from the present.

He gets up and looks up. And what he saw was not something he witnessed with his haki.

A whirlpool shaped vortex manifested in the middle of the sky above the sea, a few miles away from the shore.

He squints his eyes to try to make the shape of whatever was falling, and then he saw some blond hair.  The more he saw, the more features he could make out. It appeared to be a girl and she was falling fast. Katakuri argued wether to catch the girl or just let her fall into the water, and she was at a good height from the water, so she could probably break a few bones. If she didn't pose a threat, he would be on his way, but then again, if she turned out to be an enemy, he could just kill her on the spot.

Making his decision, he was getting ready to catch her with his mochi mochi no mi, when water rises up from the ocean and catches her midair. The waters lower her down and let the waves take her to shore. 

Katakuri doesn't know what to think of this as he watches the scene in front of him unfold. This all deeply surprised him, not that he let it show. For all he knew, it could have been a  devil fruit.

The blue water is dragging her closer to where he is. Gently, softly, protectively. As if she were a fragile jewel of the sea.

She is finally out of the water and Katakuri cautiously gets near her. Now he can see her up close and what he saw is not what he expected.

She had slash marks on her arms and legs. She had a stab wound on her upper torso and she was bleeding. 

All the while a short off-shoulder orange dress that ended a little over the mid thigh with slits on both legs barely clung onto her.

Katakuri didn't know what to do. Help her or leave her to die. But if she has a useful ability or devil fruit, she could be of use. Making a decision, he picked her up bridal style and rushed off with the girl in his arms.

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