Chapter 4 - Revealed

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1st POV
When Naruto wakes up, all she sees is white. That alone makes her more alert since all she saw was darkness right after escaping from Madara. She looks around and sees an IV injected in her arm. The more she looks, the more questions she has.
'How did I get here? Where am I? Am I in enemy or ally territory?' were the questions she asked herself in her mind as she looked around the room.
'I may be weak right now, but my sensing is as sharp as ever. I sense a presence approaching.' She thought .
The door to the room opens and she prepares for anything that comes my way. Just because she was away from Madara did not mean she was safe.
A doctor walks in and looks at her in surprise.
"Hello there young lady. How are you awake? With all that blood loss and severe wounds, you weren't supposed to be able to wake up this soon." He said.
'Oh' she thought. "I have a quick healing factor." She told him. The doctor wore a face of realization. "Oh, then you must be a devil fruit user." He said. Naruto was confused. 'Devil fruit? What is that? Whatever it is, I clearly am not that. I would have known if I ate a demonic food.' And she answered to him. "Nope. I'm not a devil fruit user. I just happen to be born with a quick healing ability." She told him. The doctor nodded. "Very well then, may I ask how you obtained those wounds?" He asked her.
When Katakuri had showed up demanding that she be healed, he had found that she had been stabbed in the torso, had many unhealed wounds, her body has littered with scars that were starting to heal as soon as she was taken into intensive care, she had lost a lot of blood, and the most surprising thing was that she was pregnant and she could not be older than 15 or 16 even thought she was 8'11 feet tall. And the question that haunted the doctor and the nurses was 'What happened?' Sure it was no surprise that girls in their teen years get pregnant and in unfortunate situations, like many people, get mugged or jumped. But her wounds showed that she was in an intense battle.
"Um, I-I..." but before she could answer the doctor, the door to the room opens and in come Charlotte Katakuri and Charlotte Pudding.
"You may leave now." Said to the doctor. The doctor nodded without hesitation and promptly exited the room, leaving her with 2 people she doesn't know. For all she knew, they could be a danger for not only her, but her baby too. So she is not going to risk letting her guard down until she is safe.
"We are not gonna hurt you." Spoke Katakuri. She did not believe it. This guy was taller than her by 2 to 3 times.
"We are telling the truth, we just want to know if you are a danger." Said Pudding, while trying to ease her nerves.
"Why should I believe you. For all I know, the instant I let you near me, you might kill me." Said Naruto with a growl. Katakuri and Pudding look at each other and he turned to leave. As soon as he closed the door, only Naruto and Pudding remained.
Pudding slowly approached her and Naruto tensed.
"Not another step!" She yelled and Pudding stopped.
"Please. I only want to help." She said softly. Naruto was thinking about it. She sensed no ill intentions and allowed her to. Pudding walked to her and raised her hands. She then took her memories and read them all. In the very first few memories, she was already crying. Naruto had a childhood similar to hers. Everyone harassing her and neglecting her for being different. Calling her names and not treating her like a human at all. More like a monster. So then, she decided to do pranks to get attention, negative attention. But attention nonetheless.

Then, she decided to become stronger to prove her worth. And that is how she got her dream to become hokage someday.

Then she entered the academy and she was classified the dead last. But what no one knew, is that she was actually a prodigy in disguise. She just wanted to do all the other things because she just wanted to get attention.

At the beginning there was Hinata Hyuuga. A shy girl who was always kind to everyone. Even Naruto. They became fast friends and were there for each other if they needed to listen to each other.

And then came in Iruka Umino. Her Sensei. Her friend. Her father in all but blood. Their friendship is what kept her going and motivated to become even stronger.

Then her team was formed. Team 7 was what she considered her family because she didn't feel alone. They are what kept her from ending it all when the abuse became too much.

Over the years she met and made friends with new people and she knew she would do anything for her precious people. But then came the Akatsuki. At first, they seemed like a minor threat, but then came the 4rth Shinobi war. Madara was successfully resurrected and the lands became hell. He took Kurama and the other bijuu. He took control over them all and then all hope was lost. There was no life. Madara had destroyed everything  and everyone that she held dear to. And as a trophy, he took her, and slowly broke her. Beating after beating. Rape after rape. Crack after crack.

She was barely clinging onto life.
She wanted it for all to end.
For her life to end.

Had she not suffered enough?
Had she not been through pain more than enough?
Had this been her fate since the day she was born?

Up until recently, she didn't dare do anything because she knew Madara had won, and she had lost.

But then he told her the news of the baby and new hope glinted on her eyes. And with the help of the bijuu inside the pillars, she was able to escape her, although she was hurt by him, she successfully freed herself from him.

And now she is here.

Pudding didn't even bother to clean her tear streaks as they flowed down her soft cheeks.

All this time she thought that they had similar childhoods, but Pudding's was a dream compared to what Naruto had gone through. And for thinking that they were the same, Pudding will never forgive herself because now she cares about Naruto. She wants to ease her pain. Numb her pain. Get rid of her pain. Anything!

When Pudding comes out of her thoughts, she finds Naruto sleeping in her lap on the bed, even if she was smaller than Naruto, she didn't mind.

"You poor thing. You suffered so much, yet, you are still here." She whispered softly to the sleeping blonde. Pudding moved to get off the bed gently to not disturb her sleep and walked out the room.

"So what happened?" Asked Katakuri, leaning against the wall. He opened his eyes and they widened at the sight of his little sister crying. This angered him. "What did she do? Must I kill her?" Asked Katakuri as he made a move to open the door, but his hands were slapped away from the door handle. "NO!!! You will not lay a single finger on her!!!" Yelled Pudding at her older brother. This surprised him a lot. None of his sisters have ever acted this way with him. They all idolized him so much that they didn't dare to even get angry with him.

"Then what is it?" He asked.
Pudding took out a roll of memories and showed them to him while trying to stop herself from shaking. All the horrible thing that Naruto had lived through. Beginning to end.

When it was over, Katakuri was speechless. Barely anything surprised him, much less shock him, but what this Madara character had done was just unforgivable.

Just thinking on what would have happened if it had happened to one of his sisters put him on edge. This girl was lucky. Because of everything that she had gone through, Katakuri respected her. Her will, her life, her spirit. It all made Katakuri feel pride for being in her presence. 

But now, what do they do?

"Pudding." He said and she looked up to him.

"Go show momma her memories." He said and this shocked her.

Momma? But why!?! Momma wouldn't care for anyone like Naruto!

But she obeyed nonetheless and was on her way.

What is on Katakuri's mind?

Why bring Big Mom into this?

Does he have something planned for Naruto?

Find out next time!!!

On Dragon B-I mean, The Ninja Pirate!!!

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