Chapter 8 - Vinsmoke Family

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They were originally going to go to the castle, but Lin Lin called Amande over the den den mushi. She said Amande needed to retrieve something for her. Amande, loyal as ever, complied without a question.

They were supposed to be going to the castle, but since the thing big mom wanted wasn't in the territory, they had to change course and go off the territory. They had to take Naruto with them, but the whole voyage was not dangerous. And even if it did get complicated, Amande was always a few feet within reach of Naruto.

The whole trip took a whole month. So now, Naruto was 20 weeks along.

"Naruto, you might as well get ready, because once we board off, we are going straight to the cake castle." Amande said.

"Hai, Amande-nee-san." Naruto respondes and headed off to her room in her sister's ship.

Since the guests were allies and were of use to big mom, she wanted to make an effort in looking presentable.

Tsunade often took her to many diplomatic meetings so that when she became Hokage, she would be ready.

By what she had learned, she new that first impressions were very important. They could determine if the person you are working with has decency, or a figure of high power.

She put on a loose white toga dress that went to her mid-calves and put on some sandals. This way, she could move freely without struggle. She put on a Genjutsu on her cheeks to hid her whisker marks and made her skin tone lighter, like her mother Kushina. Then she made her hair cover her right eye in order for it to cover her rinnegan as well. With that, she was done.

"Naruto, we have arrived. We should head to castle." She heard Amande say. Naruto it up and followed her her sister.

As they were boarding off, Naruto tripped and almost fell, but luckily Amande caught her. "Be more careful Naruto." "Sorry, Amande-nee-san." And with that, they left to the castle.

She can't help but wonder what they are like. If they were considered allies by big mom, they must be a big deal.

As they head to the cake castle, they are saluted and welcomed by the villagers. Amande as per usual ignores them, but Naruto, who was by her side, smiled and waved. No one knew why, but there was something about her smile that brought happiness and peace to everyone around her. But they didn't mind. On the contrary, they welcomed it. It was always nice to have the children of big mom smile.

When they arrived at the castle, the were greeted by Pudding. "Amande-nee-san, mama said that we are to meet the Vinsmokes in her throne room. Naruto-nee-san has to enter with me." She said. Amande went ahead while Pudding and Naruto waited.

"Pudding." Naruto spoke and Pudding looked up at her. "Y'know, they are going to question how we are twins since we don't look alike. Not to mention our height differences." She said.

Pudding giggled. "Well, there are a lot of our brothers and sisters that come in sets that look nothing alike, yet, the are considered twins, triplets, and so on. And let's not forget our decuples. There is 10 of them, yet only 2 of them are your height while the others are my height." She said, and it made Naruto more confident.

"Besides," Pudding started. "If they have any doubts, we can just show them our third eyes." She suggested and Naruto got an idea. She put a Genjutsu on her rinnegan third eye so it looked like her 2 other blue eyes. Her rinnegan and her right eyes were still covered, but just to make sure. This way, they could really say they were twins.

"So, what type of people are the Vinsmokes? Earlier I was talking with Amande-nee-san and she didn't seem to like them very much."

"Well, I've never really met them, but from what our big brothers told me about them was that they were very arrogant and they never respected anyone."

Naruto looks down at her stomach. She was 5 months along and her baby was about the size of a mango. Maybe a bit bigger.

She felt a bit of anxiety. She was afraid the Vinsmokes might make fun of her for being so young and pregnant.

Pudding notice that her sister was feeling anxious so she put her hand to Naruto's leg since she couldn't physically reach her shoulder. Naruto looked down at Pudding. "Don't worry. They won't try to do anything that might make a dent on the alliance." She said and it did make Naruto feel a bit better.

"Alright, lets go." And they left to big mom's throne room.

They open the doors and all their older brothers and sisters were there. Flampe was also there, she was the youngest in the room, yet she was cocky as ever. They were all standing on either side of big mom.

Right in front of mom we're the Vinsmokes with their backs facing Naruto and Pudding. The tallest of the group had long blond hair. One of the sons had red hair, the second son had blue hair, the third son had green hair. There was only one daughter and she had hot pink hair.

"Oh, good timing! Judge, I would like for you to meet my other 2 twin daughters. Naruto and Pudding. Pudding will be marrying one of your sons." Big mom said in excitement.

The Vinsmokes turned around and when they saw Naruto they were shocked, it was Judge and the daughter more than the sons.

"Hello. I'm Charlotte Pudding. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu." Pudding said in her shy persona and bows. But the Vinsmokes paid no mind to her. They were just gawking at the tall sister.

"S-Sora." Judge said as he looked at Naruto. She was confused.

She spoke gently as to not offend them. "My name is Charlotte Naruto, yoroshiku onegaishimasu." She said softly, but kindly with a smile and bowed.

That seemed to snap them back to reality.

"Is something wrong, Judge?" Lin Lin asked. "No, nothing. It's just that your daughter, Naruto-san looks a lot like my diseased wife." He said and it all made sense for Naruto now.

"Now allow me to introduce to you my sons and my daughter. Ichiji, Niji, Yonji, and Reiju." He said.

They were standing in that exact order. Red was Ichiji, Blue was Niji, Green was Yonji, and Pink was Reiju.

"And all together, we are Germa 66." He said.

Naruto seemed impressed while Pudding was just smiling. "So I'm marrying one of them?" Pudding asked.

"No, you are going to marry his third son Sanji, but he is currently not here." Big mom said.

"Then where is he, mama?" Naruto asked. She notice how the Vinsmokes reacted to her question. They all seemed to show some hate. Actually, it was all she could sense. There was no positive emotions from them. The only one who seemed to be close normal was Reiju, but unlike her father and her brothers, she actually seemed saddened.

"He is currently off with some lowly pirates. But not to worry since he WILL be back for the wedding." Judge said and his sons gave evil smiles.

They gave an awful feeling in Naruto's stomach.

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