Where am I? New Places Means New Beginings! Pt.2

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Last time on Dragon Bal- err fuck ummmm what I meant was last time on Demon of the Red Forest after Y/n got Into a large fight with ninja from the Village Hidden in the Mist he activated his Mongekyou sharingan and his perfect susanoo just to accidentally activate his kamui ability teleporting him to a strange place immediately passing out being found in the forest on a small Island called Patch in Remnant.
Now on to the story——————————————————————
( Y/n POV)
Knock knock knock
*I freeze up a bit at the sound of knocking but I notice a red blur and rose petals go past me and I stand in utter confusion*

Yang: Ruby, wait up!

Tai: *Looks at watch* Hmm wasn't expecting them this early.
(A/n): According to my last chapter it was around 9 am so I'll say it's like 10 am because y'know people need time to eat and wake up in the morning.
( Tai POV )

Qrow: They came awfully quick. But I still want to ask that kid some questions before he leaves.

Tai: Qrow please he's a kid, don't go interrogating him.

Qrow: Am I seriously the only one surprised and curious on how a) A random child magically appeared out of mid air in battle gear looking like he went through hell and b) Why that weird bird stood perfectly still and stared into the child's eyes for a solid five minutes before bursting into feathers right before the child passed out right on the spot.

Tai: Don't get me wrong I am curious but look at how he carries himself, no normal child gets up at nine in the morning is able to make a five star breakfast buffet like it was a simple pb&j then hand washes and dries all of the dishes he dirtied along with all the plates and silverware we used just to eat a piece of toast and drink half a glass of orange juice.
( ??? POV five minutes ago)
???1: Mom why are we going over Yang and Ruby's house, is it someone's birthday?

???2: No sweetie Tai gave me a call last night and he wanted us to help him with something.

???3: I have many questions on how this whole mess happened but we'll find out sooner or later.

( Back to Y/n POV )
Y/n: *Watches as Tai and Qrow walk towards the door* "I wonder where this will go, might as well fallow.'"


Y/n: "Ok then now I'm really curious" I reluctantly walk towards the front door in curiosity* "Ok who are these people"

???: Is this him? *Looks at the rather tall child*

(A/n): Alright yeah another one, we are 15 y/o standing at 5'11

Tai: Yes this is him Marcus. So Y/n this is Marcus he's going to be taking care of you along with his wife Carol. (A/n): Those names are terrible but fuck it, it's late as fuck o'clock
(A/a/n):I started this chapter on April 16th and I got to this part at like one in the morning cause I still have school work to do, so I couldn't just jump right into the chapter as I wanted.
Y/n: *Looks at the man up and down* Greetings.

Marcus: Its nice to meet you young one, my name is Marcus Bloodbane and this here is my wife Carol. *He gestures to a rather beautiful woman with fox ears*

Y/n: *Just stares at the animalistic ears on the females head in shock and intrigue*

Carol: Young man it's not polite to stare, y'know?

Y/n: *Snaps out of his trance* O-oh I apologize I didn't mean to cause any discomfort, I-I just never met anyone with animalistic features like yours where I come from. *Starts rambling and stuttering every other sentence*

Carol: *Laughs* Calm down Y/n, I'm just teasing you. Loosen up a bit.

Y/n: O-O-oh I see.

Qrow: Speaking of lets all have a talk in the living room.

Y/n: *Turns his head slightly to look at Qrow who spoke in a more serious and aggressive tone* I see, well I guess it would be an appropriate time to discuss the elephant in the room.

Tai: If you're ok with it then, I guess it'll be alright to ask a few questions-

*Something wizzes past Tai's face and right for Y/n who's facing away*

Tai: Y/-

Y/n: *Catches the object with ease* A bouncy ball, that's odd where did it-

*A red blur decks Y/n into the living room showing a dizzy Ruby and a slightly dazed Y/n*

Y/n: Well then that was something....

Yang: *Walks into the living room* Are you two ok? 

Ruby: I'm a little dizzy but otherwise I'm alright.

Y/n: Yeah, I'm doing fine. * Gets up and dusts himself off* so I was told that there was a-

???: *Runs into the room tripping over oum know what and almost tackles Y/n*

Y/n: So that's interesting....May I ask who this one may be?

Marcus: Well Y/n, that is my son Alex. Your new brother!

Y/n: What?! WHAT THE FUCK?!

(A/n): Dammit that's not in the fucking script ya cunt!!

*Angry author reboot sounds*

Y/n: I see, well since everyone is here I assume you all have a lot of questions and myself have a few so let's all sit down so we can get all this curiosity out of the way shall we?
Boom cliff hanger. Hey everyone what is up it's your favorite undead author so I just wanted to let everyone know if you didn't acknowledge my post or my in depth update on why I was gone for so long that I posted yesterday as of April 17th. I am back and going to be getting into the swing of things updating this story as much as possible. Also, 937 words wooo. That's it for now, it's you boi Orca Ape aka Son of Sol signing out and remember

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