My Sharingan Awakens!! A terrible Heartbreak. Pt.1

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(Y/n's POV)
I went to bed after being raped by my drunk Aunt and beaten by my drunk father and uncle for no reason. I woke up to a sound of knocking on the door downstairs waking my mom and dad, I decided to follow them downstairs but quietly so they don't know I'm there.

Messenger Nin: Is this the residence of Rokkaku Uchiha by any chance?

Father: Yes it is who are you?? (My father said in a threatening tone)

Messenger Nin: Well I came here to tell you that your daughter is not going to be home for another couple of weeks because the Hokage has requested she go out and search for Sasuke Uchiha.

Father: Finally one of my children are useful for something.

Mother: Any idea when she'll be back?

MN: No I'm sorry I cannot say how long because not even the Hokage is sure how long this mission will last.

Father: OK we understand is that all?

MN: Actually sir I also was sent to retrieve your son Y/n his presence has been requested by the Hokage.

Father: Sanaki go get Y/n.

Mother: Alright I will go get him.

I ran back to my room before anyone realized I was eavesdropping on the conversation. Just as I lay back down and turn away from the door mom nocks on the door and wakes me up to leave.

Mother: Y/n it's time to get up.

Y/n: (feigning grogginess) Ok mom I'll be right down.

As I get dressed in my usual outfit I wonder why the Hokage would want to talk to me. I shake my head to clear my thoughts and walk downstairs.

MN: Do you have everything you need sir?

Me: Yeah I do.

MN: Then let's go.

On our way to the Hokage's office

Me: If I may ask did the Hokage specify why I was needed?

MN: No they did not my apologies.

Me: That's ok, I guess I'll just have to wait and find out.

<small time skip to the Hokage's office brought to you by chibi Y/n summoning a dog named Zwei>

I knocked on the door to the Hokage's office.

Lord 5th: Who is it?

Me: It's Y/n Uchiha ma'am you requested to see me.

Lady Tsunade (aka Lady 5th): Ahh Yes Y/n come in.

Me: How are you lady fifth?

Tsunade: *chuckles* You know you don't have to be so formal it's only me and you in here.

Me: Oh my apologies. If I may ask why have you summoned me?

Tsunade: I actually have a mission for you and another ninja in your class and I do believe you've known each other for a while now?

Me:"I only have known two people for a long time and that's Ino and Sasuke." Umm ma'am can you be a bit more precise seeing how I've known a lot of other nin in my class for a while.

Tsunade: Does the name Yamanaka mean anything to you?

Me: *Blushes slightly* Y-Yes ma'am. That's my friend Ino's last name I've know her my whole life just about.

Tsunade: Are you ok your Face is a bit red. "So he just might actually like her. Fuck I owe Kakashi 20 lien."

Me: Huh.....oh um yes ma'am I'm ok *tries to hide blush with his jacket* Umm so what is this mission you want us to complete?

Tsunade: You will have to wait for Ino to get here to find out. For now go back home and get some more rest and I'll fill you both in.

Me: Ok lady fifth.

Tsunade: Oh and one more thing before you go.
Me: hmm?

Tsunade: *smirks* It's only going to be you two on this mission so don't try anything. Unless she is ok with it.

Me: *Goes redder* W-w-what are y-y-you implying miss Hokage?

Tsunade: Nothing now go home and get some rest.

Y/n leaves to back to his house

Tsunade: Ahh young love it's so adorable. I just hope Jiraiya doesn't get his hands on that poor kid he'll be ruined beyond help.
Woohoo that's done 673 words. Again ladies and gents I apologize that it's taken an entire bloody eternity for me to upload and I again am so sorry but I'll try to update more frequently. The reason I haven't uploaded was because I'm just lazy. But anyways with all that said and done imma go work on the next chapter and I will see you guys soon. This is Orca Ape aka Son of Sol out peace!! And don't forget to PUNCHTHATLIKEBUTTONINTHEFACELIKEABOSSSS HIGHFIVESALLAROUND WHAPISH WHAPISH ANDILLSEEALLYOUDUDESINTHENEXTCHAPTER

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