Chapter 27: Weapons

Start from the beginning

Dabi crouched down again, "Suppose I should just get this over with," He thought. The fire user unclasped the cloak and pulled it off. He examined it for weapons but surprisingly, there was none on the cloak. He did see what looked like handles on each side of the cloak under the fabric.

"So this is how she's been gliding across buildings," He thought.

He burned up the cloak and threw it aside. He expected something like fear from Kuro when he did that but he didn't expect the look of pure anger to grow. She still didn't talk, which he didn't know if he should be grateful or worried.

Dabi noticed something was attached to Kuro's ear and pulled it off. "A communicator? What? You working with someone?"

Kuro just stared at him. Not giving any answer.

Dabi crushed the device and continued.

He began to take off the obvious weapons, such as three smoke screen bombs, the knives on her thighs, arms, and belt which carried two pairs of quirk disabling cuffs. Which were already a lot. Then he found she had small shurikens in her boots and on her ankles after he took of her boots.

Dabi then took off the black bandages on her arms, revealing more shurikens. He burned the black bandages after throwing them aside. He dully noted the long jagged scar that spread horizontally on the palm of her right hand and went back to work.

The fire user moved to take off the blue tunic and that's when she began to lash out. She swung her head forward and it collided with Dabi's head. He backed off and rubbed his head where it was hit. Kuro winced from the sudden movement of her head, she must've had a concussion.

Dabi, in a bit of anger, slammed her head against the wall. While she was stunned, he ripped off the dark blue tunic. Of course, he found more weapons and a the girl's old homemade phone in the back, and was about to throw the tunic aside and burn it as well but a jingling rang out.

Kuro, who recovered from being stunned, stopped moving. Her eyes went wide and the previous look of fury disappeared. In its place was a look of terror. But she wasn't looking at Dabi, she was looking at the tunic.

Dabi searched the tunic for the source of the jingling sound and found he had missed a small pocket at the waist of the inside. The pocket was so small that it couldn't fit any weapon.

He reached his hand into the small pocket and pulled out a rolled up necklace. It had a black string and two charms on it that he suspected were the reason of the jingling.

Kuro looked at him with wide eyes and a fearful expression as to what he'd do with the necklace. It reminded him of his brother.

Shoto made that face.

He looked back at the necklace. There was a charm of a star and the other was an arrow. Both looked like they had rusted a bit and turned an amber brown.

He knew he shouldn't, but he felt bad.

Dabi didn't see the harm and reached over and tied the necklace around her neck. The charms jingled again.

Kuro looked at Dabi in confusion and surprise.

"Shut up, brat. It's just a necklace," Dabi said.

Dabi began to feel Kuro's arms for more knives, he found 3 more, but he could feel something under the white fabric of her baggy sleeved shirt.

He rolled up the sleeves all the way up and found normal white bandages.

"I pray those are just hiding more knives," Dabi thought as he began to unwrap the bandages. But the red bleeding through told a different story.

Horizontal and vertical slits of red dried blood covered her arms. Some looked deep and others shallow but all left scars. Dabi backed up and looked at Kuro with a straight face. It wasn't a look of pity or disgust, but a straight face. As if he wasn't sure what to say. Kuro looked ashamed and sullen.

Without saying a word, Dabi rolled the bandages back up around her arms and picked up all the knives and weapons and left the room, leaving the girl in only leggings and her white shirt.

Kuro was extremely grateful for that.

So Dabi is Touya Todoroki in this story.
Sorry if you didn't know that but I feel like it's true.
The new manga chapter had me shooketh so I feel like it kinda gives away that Dabi is Touya.
If you don't agree then....sorry.
So Dabi was in fact patting down Sora for weapons. He found a lot of them.
Sora's like that, get over it.
Anyway Thanks for reading!

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