To my beautiful Rosie Joy Brookland,

Id just like to introduce myself. I'm Harry Styles, I'm British, and we had an apartment together. We've been through a lot, so I've just decided to give you the slight gist of our interesting but (in my opinion) to-die-for love story.
We both went to college and lived in North Carolina, with our families. You were getting abused and raped by your father, so we decided to run away together. We took planes and trains to California, where you stand or sit or lay right now. We bought an apartment, still only friends but deep down I was madly in love with you all along, even though I didn't even know it myself. Cliché maybe? I don't know. But anyways, we became girlfriend/boyfriend blah blah blah and I was your first blah blah blah. Now we needed money, so being the clueless idiot I am, I joined a risky business aka gang? I wasn't supposed to tell you anything about this secretive business, until one night it all accidentally slipped from my mouth. My bosses found out, and took us to a house, where they threatened us and tied our hands together. Rosie, I had never seen you more terrified, not even when you ran to me after your father did the horrible things to you... It made me cry, as much as I didn't want to cry in front of you. Either of us could've been killed, but we wouldn't want that, right? So I took the blame, even though you wanted to with all your stubbornness(which I love with all my heart). Our goodbyes were heartbreaking and I started to cry, even though I knew that if I cried then you would even worse and hell knows I wouldn't want that. They knocked you out with a gun to the head, so that you wouldn't have to watch. But minutes later is when everything changed. I noticed Niall was gone. He came running upstairs with cops and reinforcements. My bosses surrendered, and everyone to do with that damn hell hole of a business is locked up, including your father.
I'm writing this right now with the knowledge that you are in a short term coma and are sure to wake up any day now. I'm sorry I caused all of this on you, Rosie, I really am. I'm afraid that now you won't ever forgive me, for scaring you like that. You probably though I was dead, which Is terrible. You've shed so many tears and took so much time crying over things that I've caused, and that time will never be able to be returned to your lifetime. You're a strong girl, Rosie. You really are.

Right now, I'm sitting at the kitchen island(your favorite spot) in our apartment, eating 2 separate plates of pancakes because I forgot you wouldn't be here with me any longer. Something tells me that I'm okay with that, though, because all of those times I promised to protect you... And look what I've done. I almost caused your life to come to an early end.

I've decided to move back to our hometown, with my family and finish college and get a job, start a new life. I just have to get this apartment sold.

I really want you to start a new life, too, Rosie. It's what you need. You don't need me, because I'm trouble and bad memories now. I want you to move away from the bad memories and start making better ones to replace those nasty ones. If you still love me, then that's what I want you to do, for me. But don't worry, I'll always have a special part in my heart for you. Maybe our paths will cross someday.

Eating pancakes won't be the same without you, Rosie O's. ;)
-Harry x


"Fuck!" I sobbed, reaching to my side table to grab a handful of tissues.

I didn't even know who Harry was, and that's what utterly killed me inside. We
Must've loved each other so much. So, so much. And now I don't even remember him or any of the journeys or kisses or anything we shared.

I kept cursing to myself, maybe a bit louder than I had also intended. He also doesn't even relative that I've lost my memory. He thinks I remember eating pancakes with him or buying the apartment or his pet names for me... But I don't.

I feel dead. Some part of me wants to be dead, because what's the point of living when supposedly all you loved is now gone and you don't even remember what that love felt like in the first place?

My tears were everywhere, staining the hideous hospital gown that was clinging to my skin. I wanted somebody I loved. Even though I probably won't remember them, I needed someone. Because right now all I had was Maggie and I don't even know her.

I looked back to the envelope, folding the letter for it to be placed back into it neatly. Then I saw something. It was pictures!

I grabbed the few pictures from the envelope, putting them to my view. I couldn't even see through my glossy eyes.

"First picture In Cali." I mumbled to myself as I read the bottom of the picture. It was me, smiling behind a boy with my arms hugged around his neck and my chin on his shoulder. His hair was curly and he had hazel eyes, and su kissed skin, and tattoos up his arm.

I looked at the next picture. "Santa Monica Pier for the first time." I mumbled again, reading the label on it that was written in the same handwriting but in sharpie. It was me, holding food and smiling as he hugs me from behind, and placed his lips on my head just behind my ear. I looked so happy to be there and with him.

I slipped to the next, and last photo in my hands. I read, "Her first time doing it." It stated. It was a picture of my bare back, then the covers pulled mid-way up my back. My mouth formed an 'o' shape as I stared at the picture. I lost my virginity to this boy, too?

"Read it yet?" I hear a door slam close, as Maggie strolls in with what i assumed was, dinner. "Damn-"

"Yeah, I know. I'm a wreck." I grinned, wiping the tears from my eyes and cheeks.

"Can I ask why?"

I handed her the pictures and note. She sat down as she read the letter, soon covering her mouth. She then scanned through the 3 pictures. "Oh my god, Rosie." She whispers.

I nod as she hands me them carefully back.

"You have to find him!" She says loudly, standing up.

"What? But he said not to?" I said, confused.

"Rosie! Do you know how much you must've loved him? And how much he loves you?" She asks. I thought about it a moment, biting my lower lip. "I can retrieve the boys' number from the database in the receptionists office, the one that submitted you. We can start from there, and try to find Harry." Maggie smiles.

"Are you sure?" I mumbled. What if he was mad that I didn't listen?

"Positive. You don't have any major headaches or body aches, right?" She asks.

"Not at all." I shake my head.

"Ok, so either the medications are working well or you just don't even need them." Maggie smiles. "I'll be back with my detective-work!" She says excitedly, rushing out the door.

But what if he has already moved away? What if he doesn't want anything to do with me? What if he won't love me because I can't remember him or anything? Where even is my/his hometown?

This is going to be interesting.

I was thinking as Maggie did her investigating to find Harry/Niall. The story Niall submitted to the police is completely incorrect. But I guess that since they bought it, it was okay. But it kind of felt like a grudge on my shoulders, I don't know if I liked it or not.

"Good news, Rosie! We found Niall's number. Here it is, and a phone." She says, handing me a slip of paper and her iphone.

I took a deep breathe before dialing the numbers slowly.

It rang and rang, not giving me any signs of someone willing to pick up the phone. I hung up a couple minutes later after nobody picked up. Useless.

"I'm sorry. Maybe we should try again later?" Maggie questions.

"It's okay. It's probably better off I listen to Harry anyways." I mumbled. Even though I technically don't know this boy, I figured I loved him a lot so I should listen to him, right?

Ok so I have three tests I needed to study for but I studied for none of them. Im regretting it so badly because they are hard tests but it's 10pm and im tired and Id much rather write fanfic and look at pictures of harry pls help oh lord ;'((((

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