The Eyes Have It

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Garcia: "So, did anyone explain why Hotch is stepping down?"

JJ: "All Morgan said this morning is that it's happening. And it's business as usual." she looks over at where Morgan and Strauss are talking 

Emily: "So we're just supposed to move forward without any discussion?"

Reid: "After Foyet, I think we'd have to be ready for anything."

Morgan: "Guys" he calls over to them after a while "Grab Rossi."

JJ: "This is Megan Chertow and her friend Bina Sukarto, both 17, found 2 nights ago in a parking garage, carotids severed. This is John O'Heron, 61. He was found dead in a wooded area 4 days ago, blunt force trauma to the head."

Rossi: "Different M.O."

Emily: "And completely different victimology."

Rossi: "How are the cases linked?"

JJ: "Their eyes have been removed."

Reid: "Oh, he's an enucleator." he says a little excited

JJ: "There's a name for this?" she scoffs a little taking a seat at the table 

Hotch: "It's a rare subset of criminal behavior, but there have been case studies of assaultive enucleators."

Watson: "The overwhelming majority of them suffer from diagnosed mental disorders."

Reid: "And they're usually males, lack social skills, their kills are disorganized and sloppy."

Morgan: "The typical enucleator gouges the eyes out, but he doesn't normally take them with him."

Emily: "This guy did?"

Morgan: "We need to figure out why."

Rossi: "There are noticeable shifts from the first to second murder. He goes from killing in seclusion to a public place."

Hotch: "And he escalated from one victim to 2."

Morgan: "What concerns me most is there's less than 48 hours between the murders. That's why I chose this case."

Hotch: "And from what we know about enucleators, they're almost always multiple repeat offenders."

Morgan: "Exactly. Which means he's going to need to kill again soon. All right. Let's meet on the plane in 30."

Morgan: "And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out and cast it from thee." Matthew 5:29."

On The Plane

Emily: "The color of all the victims' eyes are different, so that probably doesn't factor into victimology."

Reid: "It's more likely what he sees in the eyes. Case studies show that most enucleators suffer from delusions."

Morgan: "They hear voices and see things in people's eyes."

Rossi: "Usually something evil. They're driven to enucleate to destroy the devil."

Hotch: "It points to someone who may have been institutionalized and recently released."

JJ: "I'll have Garcia start looking."

Morgan: "All right, so talk to me. What makes these attacks so different?"

Watson: "With victim one, there were multiple blunt force strikes to the head-a more personal kill."

Emily: "And he disposed of the body, maybe as a forensic countermeasure."

Rossi: "The next murders seemed less personal, more opportunistic."

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