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☻No One's POV☻

Tobi waved, even though the other member was only about 15 feet away from him. Kakashi eternally sighed, as he would have to deal with this for who knows how long. "Aaaaanyways, Pein says we have to go on a mission right away!!" the energetic man said. The former jounin sighed out loud this time and asked, "Already?" The masked man nodded with enthusiasm, though decided to not tell the other the reason why.

Pein had wanted to make sure the silvette had really gone rogue, so he put them up to a mission that would be a sort of test. The missing-nin asked what the mission was about, as the reader does as well. Tobi answers, "We'll be testing the nine-tails!" After seeing the other raise an eyebrow, the energetic man elaborated, "Pein wants to see if he'll be a threat to the Akatsuki's plans!" Kakashi nodded, "Oh. That makes sense. Well, let's go," earning an exaggerated nod from his partner. "Where should we start looking?" the former jounin asked. 

"No idea!" said the masked man with an exaggerated tone. The silvette sweatdropped for a few seconds before thinking about it himself. "He might have already come look for me. Or, he could just still be at the village," he thought to himself. If Naruto was at the village, that made reinforcements a higher possibility. The former jounin nodded to himself before turning to Tobi, "We should wait a day or so." When his partner asked for the reason, Kakashi explained his thoughts to him.

Tobi put a gloved hand on the bottom of his mask, going over the explanation. He nodded quickly and responded, "Ohhh! Awesome idea Kakashi-Senpai!" The other didn't answer back and silently mourned the loss of his dignity. He started to feel hungry and looked back up to the masked man, who was looking at two birds flying in the sky. "Hey, Tobi. How about we go to a dango shop?" the former jounin suggested. 

After a few excited words from the masked man, they were walking towards the closet dango shop. Tobi had not realized he was hungry until Kakashi brought it up. As the two were walking, there was a slightly awkward silence. The man masked in orange thought of a topic and asked, "Kakashi-Senpai, you aren't an Uchiha. How did you get your Sharingan?" as he pointed to his partner's covered left eye. Of course, he knew the answer, but the silvette didn't know that. 

"A gift," he responded. Tobi cocked his head in apparent confusion. The former jounin eye-smiled as he continued, "My Sharingan was a gift from a dear friend." Tobi's eyes fell to the floor, the energetic facade almost falling. However, he wouldn't let that happen. Not from him of all people. He looked back up as he thought this. The Uchiha pretended that his curiosity was struck and asked, "Really?! An Uchiha gave up his Sharingan willingly?! Who was that 'dear friend'??" 

It was the silvette's turn to look at the ground, wondering how he should answer this question. After about a minute or so, the former jounin responded, "One of my teammates who fell during battle." It was a vague answer, however still one that would do. That was Kakashi's thought process at least. And, it was correct enough in that right. Tobi decided to push further though, "Ohh! What was he like before he died?" It was weird asking about a 'mystery person' that he knew was himself. The silvette opened his masked mouth to answer, but closed it. 

"Why am I telling an enemy about him?? And, how did he know he was a boy?" he questioned himself.  Tobi wondered if his partner didn't recall, due to his silence. He forced down the negative emotion that tried to come up after the thought. The former jounin decided to speak, since Tobi technically was his ally at the moment. "Well..." he started.

"He was overall a complete idiot. He always picked a fight with me, though he could never beat me." Tobi thought to himself, "Wow. Flattering." The silvette went on more, "But... He had a lot of charm. And, we was a little cu- Oh, we're here." The masked man's gaze drifted from his partner to in front of them. Indeed, they had arrived at the dango shop. Tobi's gloved hands went in the air as he loudly exclaimed, "Yaaay!" He forced down the part of him that wanted to know what Kakashi was going to say before then. 

The two first took out their hats and put them on to cover their identities. Dango shop workers rarely seemed to care about problems like the Akatsuki regardless. It wasn't their place to worry about or challenge the organization. The members walked inside and sat down as an elderly woman greeted them and asked for their orders. Tobi got Hanami dango while Kakashi decided on Mitarashi dango. The scene almost looked identical to when Tobi and Deidara got dango, except for a few things. The masked man was unsure on how to annoy the other and said silvette wasn't all that interested in seeing his partner's real face. 

The two finished the food in silence, aside from the masked man declaring the deliciousness of the treat. Now, it was time to pay. The former jounin wasn't really hurting for money, but it also probably wasn't exactly the best idea to be the one to pay. He turned to his partner, but when he did, the clever man was gone. Kakashi sighed as he paid for the dango and walked out of the shop. The silvette found Tobi outside, staring off into the distance, which was seemingly out of character for the eccentric man. He was sitting on the ground, so the former jounin sat next to him. That seemed to snap the masked man out of whatever kind of trance-like state he was in. As the two looked at each other, Kakashi thought to himself,

"Hm. Maybe this won't be as terrible as I thought it was going to be."

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